
Ai Nerd


Yakup Content AI Manager

Willkommen in der Zukunft der Content-Erstellung und -Distribution mit Lately.AI, Ihrer ultimativen KI-gestΓΌtzten LΓΆsung, die den Prozess der Inhaltsproduktion revolutioniert. In diesem faszinierenden Video erkunden wir, wie Lately.AI die Kraft kΓΌnstlicher Intelligenz nutzt, um nahtlos qualitativ hochwertigen, ansprechenden Content zu erstellen und ΓΌber verschiedene Plattformen zu verteilen. Ob Sie ein Kleinunternehmer, ein Marketingexperte oder ein Content Creator sind, dieses Video wird Ihnen zeigen, wie Sie Ihre Content-Strategie optimieren und Ihr Publikum wie nie zuvor erreichen kΓΆnnen.

Tauchen Sie mit uns in die innovativen Funktionen von Lately.AI ein. Wir demonstrieren, wie die Plattform automatisch SchlΓΌsselbotschaften aus Ihrem langen Content extrahiert und diese in zahlreiche, plattformgerechte BeitrΓ€ge umwandelt – alles mit nur einem Klick. Entdecken Sie die Zeitersparnis und Effizienzsteigerung, die Lately.AI durch automatisierte Planung und VerΓΆffentlichung Ihrer Inhalte bietet. Von der Erstellung ΓΌberzeugender Social-Media-Posts bis hin zur Verbreitung wichtiger UnternehmensankΓΌndigungen, Lately.AI sorgt dafΓΌr, dass Ihre Botschaft gehΓΆrt wird.

DarΓΌber hinaus geben wir praktische Tipps, wie Sie die KI-gestΓΌtzten Analysen von Lately.AI nutzen kΓΆnnen, um Ihre Content-Performance zu ΓΌberwachen und Ihre Strategie kontinuierlich zu verbessern. Sehen Sie, wie Sie mit den Einblicken von Lately.AI Ihre Zielgruppe besser verstehen und ansprechen kΓΆnnen, was letztendlich zu hΓΆherem Engagement und Wachstum fΓΌhrt.

MΓΆchten Sie noch mehr darΓΌber erfahren, wie Sie Ihre FΓ€higkeiten in der KI-gestΓΌtzten Content-Erstellung und -Distribution erweitern kΓΆnnen? Besuchen Sie meinen Linktree, um meine IHK-Kurse zu entdecken, die Ihnen nicht nur tiefergehende Kenntnisse in digitalen Marketingstrategien vermitteln, sondern auch praktische FΓ€higkeiten, um die neuesten Technologien effektiv zu nutzen. Klicken Sie jetzt auf den Link in der Beschreibung und beginnen Sie Ihre Weiterbildung, um in der digitalen Welt erfolgreich zu sein:

Willkommen in der Zukunft der Content-Erstellung und -Distribution mit Lately.AI, Ihrer ultimativen KI-gestΓΌtzten LΓΆsung, die den Prozess der Inhaltsproduktion revolutioniert. In diesem faszinierenden Video erkunden wir, wie Lately.AI die Kraft kΓΌnstlicher Intelligenz nutzt, um nahtlos qualitativ hochwertigen, ansprechenden Content zu erstellen und ΓΌber verschiedene Plattformen zu verteilen. Ob Sie ein Kleinunternehmer, ein Marketingexperte oder ein Content Creator sind, dieses Video wird Ihnen zeigen, wie Sie Ihre Content-Strategie optimieren und Ihr Publikum wie nie zuvor erreichen kΓΆnnen.

Tauchen Sie mit uns in die innovativen Funktionen von Lately.AI ein. Wir demonstrieren, wie die Plattform automatisch SchlΓΌsselbotschaften aus Ihrem langen Content extrahiert und diese in zahlreiche, plattformgerechte BeitrΓ€ge umwandelt – alles mit nur einem Klick. Entdecken Sie die Zeitersparnis und Effizienzsteigerung, die Lately.AI durch automatisierte Planung und VerΓΆffentlichung Ihrer Inhalte bietet. Von der Erstellung ΓΌberzeugender Social-Media-Posts bis hin zur Verbreitung wichtiger UnternehmensankΓΌndigungen, Lately.AI sorgt dafΓΌr, dass Ihre Botschaft gehΓΆrt wird.

DarΓΌber hinaus geben wir praktische Tipps, wie Sie die KI-gestΓΌtzten Analysen von Lately.AI nutzen kΓΆnnen, um Ihre Content-Performance zu ΓΌberwachen und Ihre Strategie kontinuierlich zu verbessern. Sehen Sie, wie Sie mit den Einblicken von Lately.AI Ihre Zielgruppe besser verstehen und ansprechen kΓΆnnen, was letztendlich zu hΓΆherem Engagement und Wachstum fΓΌhrt.

MΓΆchten Sie noch mehr darΓΌber erfahren, wie Sie Ihre FΓ€higkeiten in der KI-gestΓΌtzten Content-Erstellung und -Distribution erweitern kΓΆnnen? Besuchen Sie meinen Linktree, um meine IHK-Kurse zu entdecken, die Ihnen nicht nur tiefergehende Kenntnisse in digitalen Marketingstrategien vermitteln, sondern auch praktische FΓ€higkeiten, um die neuesten Technologien effektiv zu nutzen. Klicken Sie jetzt auf den Link in der Beschreibung und beginnen Sie Ihre Weiterbildung, um in der digitalen Welt erfolgreich zu sein:

YouTube Video VVVFRl9XaEt1R0xlNk1lX2h0c1ZfWnFRLnVvWnhGUDhibzBn

Lately.AI - Content Erstellung und Distribution

Yakup Content AI Manager views March 13, 2024 2:02 pm

Tauchen Sie ein in die Welt der KI-gestΓΌtzten Bilderstellung und -bearbeitung mit Freepik, dem fΓΌhrenden Online-Tool, das Kreativen hilft, atemberaubende visuelle Inhalte zu erstellen. In diesem detaillierten Video entdecken wir die endlosen MΓΆglichkeiten, die Freepik bietet, von hochwertigen Vorlagen bis hin zu vielseitigen Bearbeitungswerkzeugen, die alle durch fortschrittliche KI-Technologien unterstΓΌtzt werden. Egal, ob Sie ein Grafikdesigner, ein Marketingprofi oder einfach jemand sind, der seine kreativen Projekte aufwerten mΓΆchte, dieses Video zeigt Ihnen, wie Sie mit Freepik einzigartige und ansprechende Bilder kreieren kΓΆnnen, die Ihr Publikum beeindrucken werden.

Von der Auswahl der perfekten Vorlage aus Freepiks umfangreicher Bibliothek bis hin zur Anpassung Ihrer Designs mit KI-gesteuerten Bearbeitungstools – wir fΓΌhren Sie durch jeden Schritt des Prozesses. Erfahren Sie, wie Sie mit wenigen Klicks Farben anpassen, Texte hinzufΓΌgen und Elemente neu anordnen kΓΆnnen, um professionell aussehende Designs zu erstellen, die Ihre Botschaft wirkungsvoll vermitteln.

DarΓΌber hinaus geben wir Ihnen exklusive Tipps, wie Sie die leistungsstarken Funktionen von Freepik optimal nutzen kΓΆnnen, um Ihre kreativen Visionen zum Leben zu erwecken. Sehen Sie, wie KI-basierte Tools den Designprozess vereinfachen und Ihnen helfen, Zeit zu sparen, wΓ€hrend Sie gleichzeitig beeindruckende Ergebnisse erzielen.

Verpassen Sie nicht die Gelegenheit, Ihr Designspiel mit Freepik auf die nΓ€chste Stufe zu heben. Und wenn Sie noch tiefer in die Welt der digitalen KreativitΓ€t eintauchen mΓΆchten, besuchen Sie meinen Linktree, um meine exklusiven IHK-Kurse zu entdecken. Dort finden Sie eine FΓΌlle von Ressourcen und Kursen, die darauf abzielen, Ihre FΓ€higkeiten weiter zu entwickeln und Sie auf Ihrem kreativen Weg zu unterstΓΌtzen.

Hier in meinem Linktree finden Sie mehr Informationen zu meinen Kursen:

Tauchen Sie ein in die Welt der KI-gestΓΌtzten Bilderstellung und -bearbeitung mit Freepik, dem fΓΌhrenden Online-Tool, das Kreativen hilft, atemberaubende visuelle Inhalte zu erstellen. In diesem detaillierten Video entdecken wir die endlosen MΓΆglichkeiten, die Freepik bietet, von hochwertigen Vorlagen bis hin zu vielseitigen Bearbeitungswerkzeugen, die alle durch fortschrittliche KI-Technologien unterstΓΌtzt werden. Egal, ob Sie ein Grafikdesigner, ein Marketingprofi oder einfach jemand sind, der seine kreativen Projekte aufwerten mΓΆchte, dieses Video zeigt Ihnen, wie Sie mit Freepik einzigartige und ansprechende Bilder kreieren kΓΆnnen, die Ihr Publikum beeindrucken werden.

Von der Auswahl der perfekten Vorlage aus Freepiks umfangreicher Bibliothek bis hin zur Anpassung Ihrer Designs mit KI-gesteuerten Bearbeitungstools – wir fΓΌhren Sie durch jeden Schritt des Prozesses. Erfahren Sie, wie Sie mit wenigen Klicks Farben anpassen, Texte hinzufΓΌgen und Elemente neu anordnen kΓΆnnen, um professionell aussehende Designs zu erstellen, die Ihre Botschaft wirkungsvoll vermitteln.

DarΓΌber hinaus geben wir Ihnen exklusive Tipps, wie Sie die leistungsstarken Funktionen von Freepik optimal nutzen kΓΆnnen, um Ihre kreativen Visionen zum Leben zu erwecken. Sehen Sie, wie KI-basierte Tools den Designprozess vereinfachen und Ihnen helfen, Zeit zu sparen, wΓ€hrend Sie gleichzeitig beeindruckende Ergebnisse erzielen.

Verpassen Sie nicht die Gelegenheit, Ihr Designspiel mit Freepik auf die nΓ€chste Stufe zu heben. Und wenn Sie noch tiefer in die Welt der digitalen KreativitΓ€t eintauchen mΓΆchten, besuchen Sie meinen Linktree, um meine exklusiven IHK-Kurse zu entdecken. Dort finden Sie eine FΓΌlle von Ressourcen und Kursen, die darauf abzielen, Ihre FΓ€higkeiten weiter zu entwickeln und Sie auf Ihrem kreativen Weg zu unterstΓΌtzen.

Hier in meinem Linktree finden Sie mehr Informationen zu meinen Kursen:

YouTube Video VVVFRl9XaEt1R0xlNk1lX2h0c1ZfWnFRLmFJQzNVQ20zNVpv

Freepik - Bilderstellung und Bearbeitung mit KI

Yakup Content AI Manager views March 13, 2024 1:56 pm

Entdecken Sie die Kraft von KI-gesteuerter Medienbearbeitung mit Descript – Ihrem All-in-One-Tool fΓΌr die Bearbeitung von Audio und Video. In diesem aufschlussreichen Video tauchen wir tief in die revolutionΓ€ren Funktionen von Descript ein, die es jedem, von Podcastern bis hin zu Videoproduzenten, ermΓΆglichen, ihre Inhalte mit Leichtigkeit zu bearbeiten, zu transkribieren und zu verbessern. Erfahren Sie, wie Sie mit Descript's fortschrittlichen KI-Tools mΓΌhelos Abschnitte Ihres Audios oder Videos entfernen kΓΆnnen, indem Sie einfach den Text aus dem Transkript lΓΆschen. Wir fΓΌhren Sie durch den Prozess der Verwendung der Overdub-Funktion, mit der Sie Tippfehler in Ihrer Aufnahme korrigieren kΓΆnnen, ohne erneut aufnehmen zu mΓΌssen, indem Sie den Text direkt im Transkript bearbeiten.

ZusΓ€tzlich zeigen wir Ihnen, wie Descript's leistungsstarke KI-gestΓΌtzte Funktionen wie automatische Transkription, FΓΌllwortentfernung und das Erstellen von Clips das Bearbeiten von Medien nicht nur vereinfachen, sondern auch die QualitΓ€t Ihrer Produktionen auf ein neues Niveau heben. Egal, ob Sie ein erfahrener Videoproduzent oder ein Neuling in der Welt der Audio- und Videobearbeitung sind, dieses Video bietet wertvolle Einblicke und Tipps, um Ihre ArbeitsablΓ€ufe zu optimieren und Ihre Geschichten effektiver zu erzΓ€hlen.

Bleiben Sie bis zum Ende dran fΓΌr ein praktisches Tutorial, in dem wir Schritt fΓΌr Schritt durch einen typischen Bearbeitungsprozess mit Descript gehen, von der ersten Transkription bis zum fertigen Produkt. Verpassen Sie nicht diese Gelegenheit, Ihr Content-Erstellungs-Spiel mit den bahnbrechenden KI-Tools von Descript auf die nΓ€chste Stufe zu heben. Abonnieren Sie unseren Kanal fΓΌr mehr hilfreiche Anleitungen und Tipps zur Medienbearbeitung. Lassen Sie uns gemeinsam die Grenzen des MΓΆglichen verschieben!

Hier in meinem Linktree finden Sie mehr Informationen zu meinen Kursen:

Entdecken Sie die Kraft von KI-gesteuerter Medienbearbeitung mit Descript – Ihrem All-in-One-Tool fΓΌr die Bearbeitung von Audio und Video. In diesem aufschlussreichen Video tauchen wir tief in die revolutionΓ€ren Funktionen von Descript ein, die es jedem, von Podcastern bis hin zu Videoproduzenten, ermΓΆglichen, ihre Inhalte mit Leichtigkeit zu bearbeiten, zu transkribieren und zu verbessern. Erfahren Sie, wie Sie mit Descript's fortschrittlichen KI-Tools mΓΌhelos Abschnitte Ihres Audios oder Videos entfernen kΓΆnnen, indem Sie einfach den Text aus dem Transkript lΓΆschen. Wir fΓΌhren Sie durch den Prozess der Verwendung der Overdub-Funktion, mit der Sie Tippfehler in Ihrer Aufnahme korrigieren kΓΆnnen, ohne erneut aufnehmen zu mΓΌssen, indem Sie den Text direkt im Transkript bearbeiten.

ZusΓ€tzlich zeigen wir Ihnen, wie Descript's leistungsstarke KI-gestΓΌtzte Funktionen wie automatische Transkription, FΓΌllwortentfernung und das Erstellen von Clips das Bearbeiten von Medien nicht nur vereinfachen, sondern auch die QualitΓ€t Ihrer Produktionen auf ein neues Niveau heben. Egal, ob Sie ein erfahrener Videoproduzent oder ein Neuling in der Welt der Audio- und Videobearbeitung sind, dieses Video bietet wertvolle Einblicke und Tipps, um Ihre ArbeitsablΓ€ufe zu optimieren und Ihre Geschichten effektiver zu erzΓ€hlen.

Bleiben Sie bis zum Ende dran fΓΌr ein praktisches Tutorial, in dem wir Schritt fΓΌr Schritt durch einen typischen Bearbeitungsprozess mit Descript gehen, von der ersten Transkription bis zum fertigen Produkt. Verpassen Sie nicht diese Gelegenheit, Ihr Content-Erstellungs-Spiel mit den bahnbrechenden KI-Tools von Descript auf die nΓ€chste Stufe zu heben. Abonnieren Sie unseren Kanal fΓΌr mehr hilfreiche Anleitungen und Tipps zur Medienbearbeitung. Lassen Sie uns gemeinsam die Grenzen des MΓΆglichen verschieben!

Hier in meinem Linktree finden Sie mehr Informationen zu meinen Kursen:

YouTube Video VVVFRl9XaEt1R0xlNk1lX2h0c1ZfWnFRLlNjMmZ6cEhzdXE0

Descript - Audio und Video Editing

Yakup Content AI Manager views March 13, 2024 1:43 pm

Entdecken Sie die Macht von KI in der Welt des Bloggens mit Rytr, dem revolutionΓ€ren Tool, das den Prozess der Blogartikelerstellung neu definiert. In diesem umfassenden Video fΓΌhren wir Sie durch die innovativen Funktionen von Rytr, die es Ihnen ermΓΆglichen, fesselnde, hochwertige Blogartikel in einem Bruchteil der Zeit zu erstellen. Egal, ob Sie ein erfahrener Blogger sind oder gerade erst mit Ihrem ersten Blog beginnen, Rytr wird Ihr bester VerbΓΌndeter sein, um Ihre Ideen effizient und wirkungsvoll in Worte zu fassen.

Wir zeigen Ihnen, wie Sie mit Rytr's intuitiver BenutzeroberflΓ€che und leistungsstarker KI-Technologie von der Ideenfindung ΓΌber den Entwurf bis hin zur Finalisierung Ihrer Artikel nahtlos navigieren kΓΆnnen. Erfahren Sie, wie Sie mit Rytr einzigartige, SEO-optimierte Inhalte erstellen kΓΆnnen, die nicht nur Ihr Publikum ansprechen, sondern auch Ihre Sichtbarkeit in Suchmaschinen erhΓΆhen. Von der Auswahl des perfekten Tons fΓΌr Ihren Artikel bis hin zur Generierung von VorschlΓ€gen fΓΌr unwiderstehliche Überschriften – Rytr bietet alles, um Ihre Blogging-Reise zu vereinfachen und zu bereichern.

Sind Sie bereit, Ihre Content-Erstellung zu revolutionieren und gleichzeitig Ihre digitale Marketingkompetenz zu erweitern? Besuchen Sie meinen Linktree unter , um meine speziell kuratierten IHK-Kurse zu entdecken. Dort finden Sie eine FΓΌlle von Ressourcen, die darauf abzielen, Ihre FΓ€higkeiten weiterzuentwickeln und Sie auf Ihrem Weg zum digitalen Erfolg zu unterstΓΌtzen.

Entdecken Sie die Macht von KI in der Welt des Bloggens mit Rytr, dem revolutionΓ€ren Tool, das den Prozess der Blogartikelerstellung neu definiert. In diesem umfassenden Video fΓΌhren wir Sie durch die innovativen Funktionen von Rytr, die es Ihnen ermΓΆglichen, fesselnde, hochwertige Blogartikel in einem Bruchteil der Zeit zu erstellen. Egal, ob Sie ein erfahrener Blogger sind oder gerade erst mit Ihrem ersten Blog beginnen, Rytr wird Ihr bester VerbΓΌndeter sein, um Ihre Ideen effizient und wirkungsvoll in Worte zu fassen.

Wir zeigen Ihnen, wie Sie mit Rytr's intuitiver BenutzeroberflΓ€che und leistungsstarker KI-Technologie von der Ideenfindung ΓΌber den Entwurf bis hin zur Finalisierung Ihrer Artikel nahtlos navigieren kΓΆnnen. Erfahren Sie, wie Sie mit Rytr einzigartige, SEO-optimierte Inhalte erstellen kΓΆnnen, die nicht nur Ihr Publikum ansprechen, sondern auch Ihre Sichtbarkeit in Suchmaschinen erhΓΆhen. Von der Auswahl des perfekten Tons fΓΌr Ihren Artikel bis hin zur Generierung von VorschlΓ€gen fΓΌr unwiderstehliche Überschriften – Rytr bietet alles, um Ihre Blogging-Reise zu vereinfachen und zu bereichern.

Sind Sie bereit, Ihre Content-Erstellung zu revolutionieren und gleichzeitig Ihre digitale Marketingkompetenz zu erweitern? Besuchen Sie meinen Linktree unter , um meine speziell kuratierten IHK-Kurse zu entdecken. Dort finden Sie eine FΓΌlle von Ressourcen, die darauf abzielen, Ihre FΓ€higkeiten weiterzuentwickeln und Sie auf Ihrem Weg zum digitalen Erfolg zu unterstΓΌtzen.

YouTube Video VVVFRl9XaEt1R0xlNk1lX2h0c1ZfWnFRLno2ZzViX3pkYkNF

Blog Artikel erstellen mit Rytr

Yakup Content AI Manager views March 6, 2024 2:40 pm

Entdecken Sie die Kunst der mΓΌhelosen Social Media Verwaltung mit Heropost – Ihrem All-in-One Werkzeug fΓΌr die Automatisierung von Postings ΓΌber verschiedene Plattformen hinweg. In diesem umfassenden Video fΓΌhren wir Sie durch die SchlΓΌsselfunktionen von Heropost, die es Ihnen ermΓΆglichen, Ihre Social Media PrΓ€senz zu optimieren, ohne dabei wertvolle Zeit zu verlieren.

Heropost revolutioniert die Art und Weise, wie Marken und Einzelpersonen ihre Inhalte verbreiten. Mit leistungsstarken Funktionen zur Planung von Posts, Analyse des Engagements und Verwaltung mehrerer Konten von einer einzigen OberflΓ€che aus bietet Heropost eine unvergleichliche Effizienz fΓΌr Content Creator, Marketingspezialisten und GeschΓ€ftsinhaber.

Erfahren Sie, wie Sie mit Heropost:

Ihre Postings Wochen im Voraus planen und somit mehr Zeit fΓΌr KreativitΓ€t und Strategie haben.

Die Vorteile von Heropost gehen weit ΓΌber Zeitersparnis hinaus. Durch die effektive Distribution Ihres Contents kΓΆnnen Sie Ihre Reichweite maximieren, das Engagement Ihres Publikums steigern und letztendlich Ihre Markenbekanntheit und Conversion-Rate verbessern.

πŸ‘‰ Und wenn Sie Ihre FΓ€higkeiten im Bereich der digitalen Kommunikation weiter ausbauen mΓΆchten, besuchen Sie meinen Linktree, um mehr ΓΌber meine IHK Kurse zum Thema KI Content Management zu erfahren. Diese Kurse bieten Ihnen das Werkzeug, um in der digitalen Welt erfolgreich zu sein und Ihre Marke oder Ihr Unternehmen auf das nΓ€chste Level zu heben.

Entdecken Sie die Kunst der mΓΌhelosen Social Media Verwaltung mit Heropost – Ihrem All-in-One Werkzeug fΓΌr die Automatisierung von Postings ΓΌber verschiedene Plattformen hinweg. In diesem umfassenden Video fΓΌhren wir Sie durch die SchlΓΌsselfunktionen von Heropost, die es Ihnen ermΓΆglichen, Ihre Social Media PrΓ€senz zu optimieren, ohne dabei wertvolle Zeit zu verlieren.

Heropost revolutioniert die Art und Weise, wie Marken und Einzelpersonen ihre Inhalte verbreiten. Mit leistungsstarken Funktionen zur Planung von Posts, Analyse des Engagements und Verwaltung mehrerer Konten von einer einzigen OberflΓ€che aus bietet Heropost eine unvergleichliche Effizienz fΓΌr Content Creator, Marketingspezialisten und GeschΓ€ftsinhaber.

Erfahren Sie, wie Sie mit Heropost:

Ihre Postings Wochen im Voraus planen und somit mehr Zeit fΓΌr KreativitΓ€t und Strategie haben.

Die Vorteile von Heropost gehen weit ΓΌber Zeitersparnis hinaus. Durch die effektive Distribution Ihres Contents kΓΆnnen Sie Ihre Reichweite maximieren, das Engagement Ihres Publikums steigern und letztendlich Ihre Markenbekanntheit und Conversion-Rate verbessern.

πŸ‘‰ Und wenn Sie Ihre FΓ€higkeiten im Bereich der digitalen Kommunikation weiter ausbauen mΓΆchten, besuchen Sie meinen Linktree, um mehr ΓΌber meine IHK Kurse zum Thema KI Content Management zu erfahren. Diese Kurse bieten Ihnen das Werkzeug, um in der digitalen Welt erfolgreich zu sein und Ihre Marke oder Ihr Unternehmen auf das nΓ€chste Level zu heben.

YouTube Video VVVFRl9XaEt1R0xlNk1lX2h0c1ZfWnFRLjBEUHFIWTNwVDFJ

Automatisierung von Posts mit HeroPost

Yakup Content AI Manager views March 6, 2024 2:35 pm

Entdecken Sie die Revolution in der Arbeitswelt mit Microsoft Copilot – Ihrem Wegweiser zu einer effizienteren und intelligenteren Nutzung von Microsoft Office Produkten wie Word, PowerPoint und Excel. In diesem aufschlussreichen Video tauchen wir tief in die innovative Welt von KΓΌnstlicher Intelligenz (KI) ein und zeigen Ihnen, wie Microsoft Copilot die Art und Weise, wie wir arbeiten, neu definiert.

Mit Microsoft Copilot erleben Sie, wie KI in Word Ihnen hilft, flΓΌssigere und klarere Texte zu erstellen, Ihre Gedanken prΓ€zise auszudrΓΌcken und Zeit bei der Bearbeitung zu sparen. In PowerPoint transformiert Copilot die Art und Weise, wie PrΓ€sentationen erstellt werden, indem es ansprechende und visuell beeindruckende Diashows mit nur wenigen Klicks ermΓΆglicht. Und fΓΌr alle, die sich tΓ€glich mit Zahlen auseinandersetzen, offenbart unser Video, wie Copilot in Excel Datenanalyse und -verwaltung vereinfacht, um schneller zu wertvollen Einsichten zu gelangen.

Dieses Video ist ein Muss fΓΌr jeden, der die ProduktivitΓ€t steigern, die KreativitΓ€t entfachen und die MΓΆglichkeiten der digitalen Transformation ausschΓΆpfen mΓΆchte. Microsoft Copilot ist nicht nur ein Werkzeug; es ist Ihr Partner fΓΌr eine smartere und effizientere Arbeitsweise.

πŸ‘‰ Und wenn Sie tiefer in die Welt der KI eintauchen und Ihre FΓ€higkeiten erweitern mΓΆchten, besuchen Sie meinen Linktree, um sich ΓΌber meine IHK Kurse zum Thema KI Content Manager zu informieren. Nutzen Sie die Gelegenheit, Ihr Wissen zu erweitern und sich als Fachkraft in einem der zukunftstrΓ€chtigsten Bereiche der Technologie zu etablieren.

Verpassen Sie nicht die Chance, an der Spitze der technologischen Revolution zu stehen. Abonnieren Sie jetzt, um auf dem Laufenden zu bleiben und mehr Inhalte wie dieses zu entdecken. Ihr nΓ€chster Schritt in eine intelligentere Arbeitswelt beginnt hier!

Entdecken Sie die Revolution in der Arbeitswelt mit Microsoft Copilot – Ihrem Wegweiser zu einer effizienteren und intelligenteren Nutzung von Microsoft Office Produkten wie Word, PowerPoint und Excel. In diesem aufschlussreichen Video tauchen wir tief in die innovative Welt von KΓΌnstlicher Intelligenz (KI) ein und zeigen Ihnen, wie Microsoft Copilot die Art und Weise, wie wir arbeiten, neu definiert.

Mit Microsoft Copilot erleben Sie, wie KI in Word Ihnen hilft, flΓΌssigere und klarere Texte zu erstellen, Ihre Gedanken prΓ€zise auszudrΓΌcken und Zeit bei der Bearbeitung zu sparen. In PowerPoint transformiert Copilot die Art und Weise, wie PrΓ€sentationen erstellt werden, indem es ansprechende und visuell beeindruckende Diashows mit nur wenigen Klicks ermΓΆglicht. Und fΓΌr alle, die sich tΓ€glich mit Zahlen auseinandersetzen, offenbart unser Video, wie Copilot in Excel Datenanalyse und -verwaltung vereinfacht, um schneller zu wertvollen Einsichten zu gelangen.

Dieses Video ist ein Muss fΓΌr jeden, der die ProduktivitΓ€t steigern, die KreativitΓ€t entfachen und die MΓΆglichkeiten der digitalen Transformation ausschΓΆpfen mΓΆchte. Microsoft Copilot ist nicht nur ein Werkzeug; es ist Ihr Partner fΓΌr eine smartere und effizientere Arbeitsweise.

πŸ‘‰ Und wenn Sie tiefer in die Welt der KI eintauchen und Ihre FΓ€higkeiten erweitern mΓΆchten, besuchen Sie meinen Linktree, um sich ΓΌber meine IHK Kurse zum Thema KI Content Manager zu informieren. Nutzen Sie die Gelegenheit, Ihr Wissen zu erweitern und sich als Fachkraft in einem der zukunftstrΓ€chtigsten Bereiche der Technologie zu etablieren.

Verpassen Sie nicht die Chance, an der Spitze der technologischen Revolution zu stehen. Abonnieren Sie jetzt, um auf dem Laufenden zu bleiben und mehr Inhalte wie dieses zu entdecken. Ihr nΓ€chster Schritt in eine intelligentere Arbeitswelt beginnt hier!

YouTube Video VVVFRl9XaEt1R0xlNk1lX2h0c1ZfWnFRLmEzSWNfSUdaSnVz

Microsoft Copilot - So nutzt du Copilot in Word

Yakup Content AI Manager views March 6, 2024 1:39 pm

Entdecken Sie die Revolution in der Arbeitswelt mit Microsoft Copilot – Ihrem Wegweiser zu einer effizienteren und intelligenteren Nutzung von Microsoft Office Produkten wie Word, PowerPoint und Excel. In diesem aufschlussreichen Video tauchen wir tief in die innovative Welt von KΓΌnstlicher Intelligenz (KI) ein und zeigen Ihnen, wie Microsoft Copilot die Art und Weise, wie wir arbeiten, neu definiert.

Mit Microsoft Copilot erleben Sie, wie KI in Word Ihnen hilft, flΓΌssigere und klarere Texte zu erstellen, Ihre Gedanken prΓ€zise auszudrΓΌcken und Zeit bei der Bearbeitung zu sparen. In PowerPoint transformiert Copilot die Art und Weise, wie PrΓ€sentationen erstellt werden, indem es ansprechende und visuell beeindruckende Diashows mit nur wenigen Klicks ermΓΆglicht. Und fΓΌr alle, die sich tΓ€glich mit Zahlen auseinandersetzen, offenbart unser Video, wie Copilot in Excel Datenanalyse und -verwaltung vereinfacht, um schneller zu wertvollen Einsichten zu gelangen.

Dieses Video ist ein Muss fΓΌr jeden, der die ProduktivitΓ€t steigern, die KreativitΓ€t entfachen und die MΓΆglichkeiten der digitalen Transformation ausschΓΆpfen mΓΆchte. Microsoft Copilot ist nicht nur ein Werkzeug; es ist Ihr Partner fΓΌr eine smartere und effizientere Arbeitsweise.

πŸ‘‰ Und wenn Sie tiefer in die Welt der KI eintauchen und Ihre FΓ€higkeiten erweitern mΓΆchten, besuchen Sie meinen Linktree, um sich ΓΌber meine IHK Kurse zum Thema KI Content Manager zu informieren. Nutzen Sie die Gelegenheit, Ihr Wissen zu erweitern und sich als Fachkraft in einem der zukunftstrΓ€chtigsten Bereiche der Technologie zu etablieren.

Verpassen Sie nicht die Chance, an der Spitze der technologischen Revolution zu stehen. Abonnieren Sie jetzt, um auf dem Laufenden zu bleiben und mehr Inhalte wie dieses zu entdecken. Ihr nΓ€chster Schritt in eine intelligentere Arbeitswelt beginnt hier!

Entdecken Sie die Revolution in der Arbeitswelt mit Microsoft Copilot – Ihrem Wegweiser zu einer effizienteren und intelligenteren Nutzung von Microsoft Office Produkten wie Word, PowerPoint und Excel. In diesem aufschlussreichen Video tauchen wir tief in die innovative Welt von KΓΌnstlicher Intelligenz (KI) ein und zeigen Ihnen, wie Microsoft Copilot die Art und Weise, wie wir arbeiten, neu definiert.

Mit Microsoft Copilot erleben Sie, wie KI in Word Ihnen hilft, flΓΌssigere und klarere Texte zu erstellen, Ihre Gedanken prΓ€zise auszudrΓΌcken und Zeit bei der Bearbeitung zu sparen. In PowerPoint transformiert Copilot die Art und Weise, wie PrΓ€sentationen erstellt werden, indem es ansprechende und visuell beeindruckende Diashows mit nur wenigen Klicks ermΓΆglicht. Und fΓΌr alle, die sich tΓ€glich mit Zahlen auseinandersetzen, offenbart unser Video, wie Copilot in Excel Datenanalyse und -verwaltung vereinfacht, um schneller zu wertvollen Einsichten zu gelangen.

Dieses Video ist ein Muss fΓΌr jeden, der die ProduktivitΓ€t steigern, die KreativitΓ€t entfachen und die MΓΆglichkeiten der digitalen Transformation ausschΓΆpfen mΓΆchte. Microsoft Copilot ist nicht nur ein Werkzeug; es ist Ihr Partner fΓΌr eine smartere und effizientere Arbeitsweise.

πŸ‘‰ Und wenn Sie tiefer in die Welt der KI eintauchen und Ihre FΓ€higkeiten erweitern mΓΆchten, besuchen Sie meinen Linktree, um sich ΓΌber meine IHK Kurse zum Thema KI Content Manager zu informieren. Nutzen Sie die Gelegenheit, Ihr Wissen zu erweitern und sich als Fachkraft in einem der zukunftstrΓ€chtigsten Bereiche der Technologie zu etablieren.

Verpassen Sie nicht die Chance, an der Spitze der technologischen Revolution zu stehen. Abonnieren Sie jetzt, um auf dem Laufenden zu bleiben und mehr Inhalte wie dieses zu entdecken. Ihr nΓ€chster Schritt in eine intelligentere Arbeitswelt beginnt hier!

YouTube Video VVVFRl9XaEt1R0xlNk1lX2h0c1ZfWnFRLlVFaHh5Q0RLYnFF

Microsoft Copilot - So nutzt du Copilot für deine PowerPoint-PrÀsentation

Yakup Content AI Manager views March 6, 2024 1:36 pm

Entdecken Sie die Revolution in der Arbeitswelt mit Microsoft Copilot – Ihrem Wegweiser zu einer effizienteren und intelligenteren Nutzung von Microsoft Office Produkten wie Word, PowerPoint und Excel. In diesem aufschlussreichen Video tauchen wir tief in die innovative Welt von KΓΌnstlicher Intelligenz (KI) ein und zeigen Ihnen, wie Microsoft Copilot die Art und Weise, wie wir arbeiten, neu definiert.

Mit Microsoft Copilot erleben Sie, wie KI in Word Ihnen hilft, flΓΌssigere und klarere Texte zu erstellen, Ihre Gedanken prΓ€zise auszudrΓΌcken und Zeit bei der Bearbeitung zu sparen. In PowerPoint transformiert Copilot die Art und Weise, wie PrΓ€sentationen erstellt werden, indem es ansprechende und visuell beeindruckende Diashows mit nur wenigen Klicks ermΓΆglicht. Und fΓΌr alle, die sich tΓ€glich mit Zahlen auseinandersetzen, offenbart unser Video, wie Copilot in Excel Datenanalyse und -verwaltung vereinfacht, um schneller zu wertvollen Einsichten zu gelangen.

Dieses Video ist ein Muss fΓΌr jeden, der die ProduktivitΓ€t steigern, die KreativitΓ€t entfachen und die MΓΆglichkeiten der digitalen Transformation ausschΓΆpfen mΓΆchte. Microsoft Copilot ist nicht nur ein Werkzeug; es ist Ihr Partner fΓΌr eine smartere und effizientere Arbeitsweise.

πŸ‘‰ Und wenn Sie tiefer in die Welt der KI eintauchen und Ihre FΓ€higkeiten erweitern mΓΆchten, besuchen Sie meinen Linktree, um sich ΓΌber meine IHK Kurse zum Thema KI Content Manager zu informieren. Nutzen Sie die Gelegenheit, Ihr Wissen zu erweitern und sich als Fachkraft in einem der zukunftstrΓ€chtigsten Bereiche der Technologie zu etablieren.

Verpassen Sie nicht die Chance, an der Spitze der technologischen Revolution zu stehen. Abonnieren Sie jetzt, um auf dem Laufenden zu bleiben und mehr Inhalte wie dieses zu entdecken. Ihr nΓ€chster Schritt in eine intelligentere Arbeitswelt beginnt hier!

Entdecken Sie die Revolution in der Arbeitswelt mit Microsoft Copilot – Ihrem Wegweiser zu einer effizienteren und intelligenteren Nutzung von Microsoft Office Produkten wie Word, PowerPoint und Excel. In diesem aufschlussreichen Video tauchen wir tief in die innovative Welt von KΓΌnstlicher Intelligenz (KI) ein und zeigen Ihnen, wie Microsoft Copilot die Art und Weise, wie wir arbeiten, neu definiert.

Mit Microsoft Copilot erleben Sie, wie KI in Word Ihnen hilft, flΓΌssigere und klarere Texte zu erstellen, Ihre Gedanken prΓ€zise auszudrΓΌcken und Zeit bei der Bearbeitung zu sparen. In PowerPoint transformiert Copilot die Art und Weise, wie PrΓ€sentationen erstellt werden, indem es ansprechende und visuell beeindruckende Diashows mit nur wenigen Klicks ermΓΆglicht. Und fΓΌr alle, die sich tΓ€glich mit Zahlen auseinandersetzen, offenbart unser Video, wie Copilot in Excel Datenanalyse und -verwaltung vereinfacht, um schneller zu wertvollen Einsichten zu gelangen.

Dieses Video ist ein Muss fΓΌr jeden, der die ProduktivitΓ€t steigern, die KreativitΓ€t entfachen und die MΓΆglichkeiten der digitalen Transformation ausschΓΆpfen mΓΆchte. Microsoft Copilot ist nicht nur ein Werkzeug; es ist Ihr Partner fΓΌr eine smartere und effizientere Arbeitsweise.

πŸ‘‰ Und wenn Sie tiefer in die Welt der KI eintauchen und Ihre FΓ€higkeiten erweitern mΓΆchten, besuchen Sie meinen Linktree, um sich ΓΌber meine IHK Kurse zum Thema KI Content Manager zu informieren. Nutzen Sie die Gelegenheit, Ihr Wissen zu erweitern und sich als Fachkraft in einem der zukunftstrΓ€chtigsten Bereiche der Technologie zu etablieren.

Verpassen Sie nicht die Chance, an der Spitze der technologischen Revolution zu stehen. Abonnieren Sie jetzt, um auf dem Laufenden zu bleiben und mehr Inhalte wie dieses zu entdecken. Ihr nΓ€chster Schritt in eine intelligentere Arbeitswelt beginnt hier!

YouTube Video VVVFRl9XaEt1R0xlNk1lX2h0c1ZfWnFRLmwwamFDNU9kblZn

Microsoft Copilot - So nutzt du Copilot in Excel

Yakup Content AI Manager views March 6, 2024 1:30 pm


Marques Brownlee

linus tech

Linus Tech Tips

MSI’s MEG Z790 ACE MAX Motherboard is a beast! Check it out at
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Podcast Download:

Timestamps (Courtesy of NoKi1119):
0:00 Chapters
1:20 Intro
1:44 Topic #1 - Interview with Tenstorrent's CEO Jim Keller
4:11 What Tenstorrent does, discussing RISC V
7:54 Do the RISC V teams look for a PhD or for experience?
9:39 How far do you think x86 can go? How computers predict
11:54 Could Intel or AMD use RISC V as a prediction set in their chips?
13:18 Linus on returning to legacy & replacing PCs with RISC V?
16:29 Luke on server stack issues
18:52 Advice for keeping up with the industry?
20:34 Linus asks about the origin of Tenstorrent's ideas
24:39 Discussing AI's impact on computers & architecture design
31:01 Being in a simulation & related theories
32:00 Discussing company stocks, good V.S. great company leader
37:50 What was joining AMD back then like? ft. Management, risk
43:46 How much did Intel save AMD with the bad generational leaps?
44:58 Discussing NVIDIA's current leap, thoughts on the future
49:08 RISC V competitors helping RISC V's development?
50:34 Linus on the issues with the x86 Via Centaur chip
53:08 How far are we from fully self-driving cars?
58:10 What will the next tech thing be?
1:04:08 What does Tenstorrent & Jim Keller do? ft. Roast
1:08:40 Ending the interview, excited Linus & Luke discuss
1:11:18 Topic #2 - YouTuber reviews on Humane Ai Pin causes drama
1:13:28 Linus recalls NVIDIA & Hardware Unboxed controversy
1:15:20 Discussing it from the manufacturer's side, NVIDIA & Apple
1:20:46 Luke requests FP reviews of the new beta site
1:21:18 Linus recalls his comment on not wasting money
1:25:44 Luke on companies pushing beyond, recalls Jim's interview
1:27:39 Sponsor - MSI
1:28:55 Sponsor - Squarespace
1:29:47 Sponsor - Vessi
1:30:39 Merch Messages #1
1:31:55 LTT Labs mouse reviews ETA? ft. Calling Gary, Beat Saber paper
1:36:45 Connecting an infected PC task ft. Tech in movies, forums link
1:39:36 Topic #3 - PaintCam Eve, AI projectile-powered security kickstarter
1:49:24 Topic #4 - Overclockers UK repairs The Spiffing Brit's tea PC
1:51:55 Repairs done, why make PCs for creators? ft. DiskMantler, drive stories
1:57:36 LTTStore's new Labs phase shirt, pullover hoodie & zip-up hoodie
1:59:48 Topic #5 - Watcher leaves YouTube, launches ad-free subscription
2:01:14 Linus & Luke on why this wouldn't work, Vessi, FP, Patreon
2:14:46 Pullover & zip-up hoodies will be print to order
2:14:56 Topic #6 - HP sued over blocking third party ink & monopoly
2:17:19 Topic #7 - Boston Dynamics announces new Atlas
2:21:22 Keanu Reeves to voice Shadow in the Sonic 3 movie
2:21:45 Figure's OpenAI speech-to-speech reasoning robot
2:23:25 Topic #8 - YouTube warns third party YouTube apps with an ad blocker
2:27:44 Linus on Google's ad blocker detection & Google Family
2:31:00 Topic #9 - Linus reviews Steam Families
2:32:36 Topic #10 - Plex tells GitHub to take down Plex Reshare repository
2:35:02 Topic #11 - UK criminalizes noncon sexualized deepfakes
2:35:17 US's potential bill allows victims to sue, can this be enforced?
2:37:20 Merch Messages #2 ft. WAN Show After Dark
2:37:48 What is beyond Labs? Do you consider going after online education?
2:38:53 How is Linus's smart home going? Zigbee or Wi-Fi?
2:44:07 Biggest compromise Linus or Yvonne had with adding home tech?
2:44:58 Is the Labs hoodie the same as the Dropout hoodie?
2:45:43 Something that was more complicated than you thought?
2:48:40 New LTTStore onesie designs ETA?
2:52:18 Have you watched the Fallout show? ft. "Wink" - Dan
2:53:47 Motivation behind FP's frontend refactor to react?
2:56:21 Any repairs or tweaks Linus had to do with his Chevy Bolt?
2:57:46 Has Liuns considered AHL hockey games?
3:00:33 Why isn't the ATX12VO mainstream yet?
3:01:11 Thoughts on the Twitter sites changing to X sites?
3:02:47 Worst mass adopted tech product?
3:04:16 Would you consider Massdrop for low volume products?
3:05:38 Riding a bike with the LTT backpack? How does it fair with accidents?
3:06:27 What brand of Optical DP does Linus run for his racked PCs?
3:07:51 If you collaborate with others on LTTStore, what would you make?
3:09:06 Thoughts on buying online movies you can't own then pirating it?
3:11:44 Whatever happened to upside down PC cases?
3:12:03 Favorite part of product development?
3:13:37 Outro

MSI’s MEG Z790 ACE MAX Motherboard is a beast! Check it out at
Visit and use offer code LTT for 10% off
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Podcast Download:

Timestamps (Courtesy of NoKi1119):
0:00 Chapters
1:20 Intro
1:44 Topic #1 - Interview with Tenstorrent's CEO Jim Keller
4:11 What Tenstorrent does, discussing RISC V
7:54 Do the RISC V teams look for a PhD or for experience?
9:39 How far do you think x86 can go? How computers predict
11:54 Could Intel or AMD use RISC V as a prediction set in their chips?
13:18 Linus on returning to legacy & replacing PCs with RISC V?
16:29 Luke on server stack issues
18:52 Advice for keeping up with the industry?
20:34 Linus asks about the origin of Tenstorrent's ideas
24:39 Discussing AI's impact on computers & architecture design
31:01 Being in a simulation & related theories
32:00 Discussing company stocks, good V.S. great company leader
37:50 What was joining AMD back then like? ft. Management, risk
43:46 How much did Intel save AMD with the bad generational leaps?
44:58 Discussing NVIDIA's current leap, thoughts on the future
49:08 RISC V competitors helping RISC V's development?
50:34 Linus on the issues with the x86 Via Centaur chip
53:08 How far are we from fully self-driving cars?
58:10 What will the next tech thing be?
1:04:08 What does Tenstorrent & Jim Keller do? ft. Roast
1:08:40 Ending the interview, excited Linus & Luke discuss
1:11:18 Topic #2 - YouTuber reviews on Humane Ai Pin causes drama
1:13:28 Linus recalls NVIDIA & Hardware Unboxed controversy
1:15:20 Discussing it from the manufacturer's side, NVIDIA & Apple
1:20:46 Luke requests FP reviews of the new beta site
1:21:18 Linus recalls his comment on not wasting money
1:25:44 Luke on companies pushing beyond, recalls Jim's interview
1:27:39 Sponsor - MSI
1:28:55 Sponsor - Squarespace
1:29:47 Sponsor - Vessi
1:30:39 Merch Messages #1
1:31:55 LTT Labs mouse reviews ETA? ft. Calling Gary, Beat Saber paper
1:36:45 Connecting an infected PC task ft. Tech in movies, forums link
1:39:36 Topic #3 - PaintCam Eve, AI projectile-powered security kickstarter
1:49:24 Topic #4 - Overclockers UK repairs The Spiffing Brit's tea PC
1:51:55 Repairs done, why make PCs for creators? ft. DiskMantler, drive stories
1:57:36 LTTStore's new Labs phase shirt, pullover hoodie & zip-up hoodie
1:59:48 Topic #5 - Watcher leaves YouTube, launches ad-free subscription
2:01:14 Linus & Luke on why this wouldn't work, Vessi, FP, Patreon
2:14:46 Pullover & zip-up hoodies will be print to order
2:14:56 Topic #6 - HP sued over blocking third party ink & monopoly
2:17:19 Topic #7 - Boston Dynamics announces new Atlas
2:21:22 Keanu Reeves to voice Shadow in the Sonic 3 movie
2:21:45 Figure's OpenAI speech-to-speech reasoning robot
2:23:25 Topic #8 - YouTube warns third party YouTube apps with an ad blocker
2:27:44 Linus on Google's ad blocker detection & Google Family
2:31:00 Topic #9 - Linus reviews Steam Families
2:32:36 Topic #10 - Plex tells GitHub to take down Plex Reshare repository
2:35:02 Topic #11 - UK criminalizes noncon sexualized deepfakes
2:35:17 US's potential bill allows victims to sue, can this be enforced?
2:37:20 Merch Messages #2 ft. WAN Show After Dark
2:37:48 What is beyond Labs? Do you consider going after online education?
2:38:53 How is Linus's smart home going? Zigbee or Wi-Fi?
2:44:07 Biggest compromise Linus or Yvonne had with adding home tech?
2:44:58 Is the Labs hoodie the same as the Dropout hoodie?
2:45:43 Something that was more complicated than you thought?
2:48:40 New LTTStore onesie designs ETA?
2:52:18 Have you watched the Fallout show? ft. "Wink" - Dan
2:53:47 Motivation behind FP's frontend refactor to react?
2:56:21 Any repairs or tweaks Linus had to do with his Chevy Bolt?
2:57:46 Has Liuns considered AHL hockey games?
3:00:33 Why isn't the ATX12VO mainstream yet?
3:01:11 Thoughts on the Twitter sites changing to X sites?
3:02:47 Worst mass adopted tech product?
3:04:16 Would you consider Massdrop for low volume products?
3:05:38 Riding a bike with the LTT backpack? How does it fair with accidents?
3:06:27 What brand of Optical DP does Linus run for his racked PCs?
3:07:51 If you collaborate with others on LTTStore, what would you make?
3:09:06 Thoughts on buying online movies you can't own then pirating it?
3:11:44 Whatever happened to upside down PC cases?
3:12:03 Favorite part of product development?
3:13:37 Outro

YouTube Video UEw4bUctUmtOMnVUdzdQaGxuQXI0cFpaejJRdWJJYnVqSC5FMDQ2MDJFMzlBN0YyRjE5

Why Do Youtubers Keep Destroying Companies - WAN Show April 19, 2024

Linus Tech Tips views April 20, 2024 6:01 am

Start your day on the right foot with AG1 at

Save 10% and Free Shipping at The Ridge by using offer code WAN at

Save 15% with our offer code WANSHOW at

Get 20% off Savage Jerky with code WANFOOD20 at:

Podcast Download:

Timestamps (Courtesy of NoKi1119):
0:00 Chapters
1:33 Feedback for FP beta feature, Terry Fox shirt is now live
2:37 Intro
3:04 Topic #1 - MPA's CEO to work with congress to block piracy websites
4:34 What would this do to VPNs? Linus's ISP notice for pirating
7:54 Luke on blockbusters revenue, impact of localized piracy
9:22 Pirating games and not buying later, lost sales from piracy
13:10 Linus on media production industry's issues, hiring argument
15:56 Streaming, Letterkenny DVDs, AI upscaling films, mastering issues
23:52 Luke's attempt to have plausible deniability, "pirate hat"
25:04 VPN sponsorship? misleading talk points, Tom Scott's videos
28:57 Transparency, revenue, hosting liability ft. On-set viewers
38:29 Linus tells Colton to get PIA sponsor
41:30 Canceling ASUS after paying for LTX, booths cost, Luke at Open Sauce
46:14 Ethical gambling sponsorship? casino, gambling & addiction stories
54:30 Game sponsors as an exception, GambleYourFriends idea
57:57 LTTStore's new zip-up mock neck & pocket shirts
1:01:02 Merch Messages #1 ft. Many cameras
1:01:27 Whatever happened to IceGiant Cooling? ft. Mute Luke Button
1:09:24 Coolest tests LTT Labs are coming up with?
1:11:44 Daily driving high RR OLED? Stripped down WinOS ft. LukeHasNoClue site, 6W monitor
1:18:54 Terry Fox Foundation
1:20:39 BC Children's Hospital charity auction stream on Whatnot
1:23:28 Tenstorrent's CEO Jim Keller to star on the next WAN Show's stream
1:27:55 Tenstorrent product names, summarizing Keller's work history
1:31:18 Sponsor - AG1
1:32:36 Sponsor - Ridge
1:34:01 Sponsor - Vessi ft. Luke might report Linus to his boss
1:36:40 Topic #2 - Apple relaxes restrictions on App Store, allows emulators
1:38:15 Apple's new framework to aid repairshops, hardware pairing
1:39:27 iOS default apps, Luke uses Firefox mobile, recalling FP poll
1:43:51 Linus questions Twitch's ad breaks, Luke's hypothesis
1:45:53 Merch Messages #2 ft. FP poll results
1:46:18 Slay the Spire 2 is on Godot, Clear Code's 11 hours tutorial
1:49:36 Should game companies switch to open source engines?
1:51:19 Would Linus get on The Yard? ft. KBMOD & WoodysGameTag
1:55:30 Tall sizes soon plz
1:55:40 How would you source hardware without a hardware recycler?
1:59:30 HDDs struggled with filled capacity, is it the same with SSDs?
2:03:45 Topic #3 - Texas Education Agency replaces graders with AI
2:08:41 Topic #4 - YouTube's Playables still available despite end of life
2:10:47 Linus finds a potential slow mo bug, still loses
2:15:02 Odd games, questioning who made them, "you are failed!"
2:18:12 YouTube is losing its identity
2:19:40 Topic #5 - ROKU patent for showing ads when pausing HDMI devices
2:24:12 Topic #6 - dumbwireless sells well amid social media craze
2:26:03 Advice to not use Teams as a social life, KilledByGoogle
2:29:48 Topic #7 - Former Google engineers launch AI music maker Udio
2:31:26 Listening to Udio's "Wow I Didn't Know That"
2:32:38 Person generates songs about Seth $h!tting his pants at work
2:34:18 Dan's thoughts on AI generated songs
2:35:49 Udio's options, copyright, "pilk" song, Dan's reaction
2:38:40 Excellent Rectangle's Tape to Tape
2:40:27 Dan on the songs AI is trained over, niche music genre
2:42:07 Topic #8 - The_Crew's subreddit is deleting comments
2:43:09 ShortCircuit's video on Minion router
2:44:33 Linus could write better lyrics, Suno shows analytics
2:46:38 Topic #9 - Instagram's filter can blur nude images
2:50:11 Topic #10 - Discord removes Suyu & Sudachi servers & dev accounts
2:53:45 Merch Messages #3 ft. Savage Jerky returns
2:56:34 What technology do you want to add or remove from cars?
3:09:11 How do you focus on your own well-being despite being public figures?
3:18:14 Any plans to extend the LTT hat line to include bucket hats?
3:21:17 A pink multi nep shirt? ft. Microfiber cloth shirt
3:24:14 What would game studios do to combat flopped AAA games?
3:33:41 Udio LTT Christmas album?
3:34:57 Exclusive FP content
3:36:16 Super Chexx exclusive FP stream after WAN Show
3:37:27 Dan tries to leave, camera tracks him instead
3:38:03 Topic #11 - XBOX creates new team to preserve games compatibility
3:39:18 Topic #12 - The Verge's article on AI & interracial prompts
3:44:28 Topic #13 - Android AirTags soon to be available
3:45:10 Topic #14 - FCC requires nutrition labels for ISP plans
3:46:22 Merch Messages #4 ft. WAN Show After Dark
4:19:29 Outro ft. Dan runs back to end the show

Start your day on the right foot with AG1 at

Save 10% and Free Shipping at The Ridge by using offer code WAN at

Save 15% with our offer code WANSHOW at

Get 20% off Savage Jerky with code WANFOOD20 at:

Podcast Download:

Timestamps (Courtesy of NoKi1119):
0:00 Chapters
1:33 Feedback for FP beta feature, Terry Fox shirt is now live
2:37 Intro
3:04 Topic #1 - MPA's CEO to work with congress to block piracy websites
4:34 What would this do to VPNs? Linus's ISP notice for pirating
7:54 Luke on blockbusters revenue, impact of localized piracy
9:22 Pirating games and not buying later, lost sales from piracy
13:10 Linus on media production industry's issues, hiring argument
15:56 Streaming, Letterkenny DVDs, AI upscaling films, mastering issues
23:52 Luke's attempt to have plausible deniability, "pirate hat"
25:04 VPN sponsorship? misleading talk points, Tom Scott's videos
28:57 Transparency, revenue, hosting liability ft. On-set viewers
38:29 Linus tells Colton to get PIA sponsor
41:30 Canceling ASUS after paying for LTX, booths cost, Luke at Open Sauce
46:14 Ethical gambling sponsorship? casino, gambling & addiction stories
54:30 Game sponsors as an exception, GambleYourFriends idea
57:57 LTTStore's new zip-up mock neck & pocket shirts
1:01:02 Merch Messages #1 ft. Many cameras
1:01:27 Whatever happened to IceGiant Cooling? ft. Mute Luke Button
1:09:24 Coolest tests LTT Labs are coming up with?
1:11:44 Daily driving high RR OLED? Stripped down WinOS ft. LukeHasNoClue site, 6W monitor
1:18:54 Terry Fox Foundation
1:20:39 BC Children's Hospital charity auction stream on Whatnot
1:23:28 Tenstorrent's CEO Jim Keller to star on the next WAN Show's stream
1:27:55 Tenstorrent product names, summarizing Keller's work history
1:31:18 Sponsor - AG1
1:32:36 Sponsor - Ridge
1:34:01 Sponsor - Vessi ft. Luke might report Linus to his boss
1:36:40 Topic #2 - Apple relaxes restrictions on App Store, allows emulators
1:38:15 Apple's new framework to aid repairshops, hardware pairing
1:39:27 iOS default apps, Luke uses Firefox mobile, recalling FP poll
1:43:51 Linus questions Twitch's ad breaks, Luke's hypothesis
1:45:53 Merch Messages #2 ft. FP poll results
1:46:18 Slay the Spire 2 is on Godot, Clear Code's 11 hours tutorial
1:49:36 Should game companies switch to open source engines?
1:51:19 Would Linus get on The Yard? ft. KBMOD & WoodysGameTag
1:55:30 Tall sizes soon plz
1:55:40 How would you source hardware without a hardware recycler?
1:59:30 HDDs struggled with filled capacity, is it the same with SSDs?
2:03:45 Topic #3 - Texas Education Agency replaces graders with AI
2:08:41 Topic #4 - YouTube's Playables still available despite end of life
2:10:47 Linus finds a potential slow mo bug, still loses
2:15:02 Odd games, questioning who made them, "you are failed!"
2:18:12 YouTube is losing its identity
2:19:40 Topic #5 - ROKU patent for showing ads when pausing HDMI devices
2:24:12 Topic #6 - dumbwireless sells well amid social media craze
2:26:03 Advice to not use Teams as a social life, KilledByGoogle
2:29:48 Topic #7 - Former Google engineers launch AI music maker Udio
2:31:26 Listening to Udio's "Wow I Didn't Know That"
2:32:38 Person generates songs about Seth $h!tting his pants at work
2:34:18 Dan's thoughts on AI generated songs
2:35:49 Udio's options, copyright, "pilk" song, Dan's reaction
2:38:40 Excellent Rectangle's Tape to Tape
2:40:27 Dan on the songs AI is trained over, niche music genre
2:42:07 Topic #8 - The_Crew's subreddit is deleting comments
2:43:09 ShortCircuit's video on Minion router
2:44:33 Linus could write better lyrics, Suno shows analytics
2:46:38 Topic #9 - Instagram's filter can blur nude images
2:50:11 Topic #10 - Discord removes Suyu & Sudachi servers & dev accounts
2:53:45 Merch Messages #3 ft. Savage Jerky returns
2:56:34 What technology do you want to add or remove from cars?
3:09:11 How do you focus on your own well-being despite being public figures?
3:18:14 Any plans to extend the LTT hat line to include bucket hats?
3:21:17 A pink multi nep shirt? ft. Microfiber cloth shirt
3:24:14 What would game studios do to combat flopped AAA games?
3:33:41 Udio LTT Christmas album?
3:34:57 Exclusive FP content
3:36:16 Super Chexx exclusive FP stream after WAN Show
3:37:27 Dan tries to leave, camera tracks him instead
3:38:03 Topic #11 - XBOX creates new team to preserve games compatibility
3:39:18 Topic #12 - The Verge's article on AI & interracial prompts
3:44:28 Topic #13 - Android AirTags soon to be available
3:45:10 Topic #14 - FCC requires nutrition labels for ISP plans
3:46:22 Merch Messages #4 ft. WAN Show After Dark
4:19:29 Outro ft. Dan runs back to end the show

YouTube Video UEw4bUctUmtOMnVUdzdQaGxuQXI0cFpaejJRdWJJYnVqSC5FMzRCNjVFQTUzRTczNEQ1

Piracy Is Over Party - WAN Show April 12, 2024

Linus Tech Tips views April 13, 2024 7:19 am

You never want to cut corners on your PC’s power supply. So check out what Seasonic has to offer at:

Visit and use offer code WAN for 10% off

Check out the MSI AEGIS RS2 14th at

Big Publishers Are Gaming Google Search

Podcast Download:

Timestamps (Courtesy of NoKi1119):
0:00 Chapters
1:30 Intro
2:08 Topic #1 - Covering LMG's April Fools shoot at the old house
4:51 What could've been, David's idea, everyone actually worked there
8:14 Linus on who was involved & the costs of doing this
13:19 David's on-set video idea, how the neighbors dealt with this
17:03 Cars shot was perfect, news reached out about the "C&D" letter
21:14 BTS video was an hour long, "this video was a tax write-off"
24:27 "Does Gary like Arc?," Linus describes Gary's views
25:46 Some jokes were cut out, staff's commitment & energy was great
29:34 David's final thoughts on this project
30:15 Merch Messages #1 ft. David
30:26 How far do you plan to shoot April Fools videos? ft. Ludwig video
32:38 Most difficult stunt to pull off? ft. LTT's past April Fools
39:38 FP price will go up, current subs will be grandfathered in
43:15 Mad Max joke, characters, PS5 jailbreak joke, David leaves
46:04 Wearing Terry Fox Foundation's shirt, Luke reading the note & shirt
50:35 Topic #2 - Amazon's "Just Walk Out" system to be closed
52:20 "Amazon Mechanical" Turk, Linus is confused, Luke explain "The Turk"
55:50 Machine learning, "Dash Cart," LTT's Amazon video, wage math
1:07:28 LTTStore's limited Welcome Hole shirts
1:08:12 Plouffe's car "upgrade," name tag holder shirt poll
1:11:02 Merch Messages #2
1:18:31 Best way to keep my family safe while running a home lab?
1:21:23 Sponsor - Seasonic
1:23:54 Sponsor - Squarespace
1:25:06 Sponsor - MSI
1:26:19 Topic #3 - Linus's reaction to his car being broken into
1:27:36 Why Linus didn't run, sugar glass, not the first time it happened
1:33:10 Scrubbing through the FP video, ketchup packets in his car
1:36:50 Merch Messages #3
1:37:08 Thoughts on Ross Scott against Ubisoft killing The Crew?
1:43:40 Why is 256 characters the default for NTFS paths?
1:46:26 How do we guard against detached decisions? ft. Driving, "Dan leaking"
1:59:33 Topic #4 - Intel's chip fab in Germany finds ancient burial mounds
2:01:20 Topic #5 - Google deletes incognito details to settle $5B lawsuit
2:02:26 "Welcome to the WAN Show!" - Alive Luke 2k24
2:03:49 Topic #6 - Discord's Quest, GAMER EDITION ads
2:06:45 Luke's thoughts, data streaming
2:08:31 Luke on Discord's model, Teams to be decoupled from Office
2:11:28 Discord enterprise mode idea
2:15:54 Topic #7 - Google to shut down Podcast internationally
2:19:52 Topic #8 - YouTube's "Jump Ahead" skips to best parts of videos
2:21:30 LTT Labs' new RTX 4070 Super review
2:22:49 Showcasing comparison charts & color edits
2:24:06 Testing out comparison bin
2:26:38 Topic #9 - Truth Social is now public, initial value of $8b
2:27:58 Donald Trump sued co-founders, checking stock worth
2:29:48 Linus suggests against investing, compares revenue with FP
2:33:57 Gambling's huge sponsor offers & revenue
2:37:27 LMG going public scenario, Luke points out Linus's risking habit
2:43:26 Gaming hotel business idea, mentioning Mario
2:45:09 Thoughts on Geek Squad's layoffs
2:46:50 Topic #10 - Developers say that indie games funding dried up
2:48:20 Luke recalls Unity's controversy, Godot game by Megacrit
2:49:13 Topic #11 - Outlook accused of sharing user data with 801 companies
2:50:48 Topic #12 - Linux backdoor found that targets encrypted data
2:54:15 Topic #13 - Twitter indirectly sells data for government surveillance
3:01:40 Topic #14 - HouseFresh calls out Google's recommended product lists
3:08:28 LTT Labs debate on using AI voice, viability, compromises, profits
3:21:42 Merch Messages #4
3:22:39 Advice for a timid person to have their voice heard in a convo?
3:25:05 Do you think the PS Portal was a success?
3:26:27 What would Luke's new car of choice be?
3:27:19 Changes on LTTStore products we missed? ft. After Dark
3:29:33 Disclosure of AI in your content? Would you care?
3:32:40 How much of Linus's kids remember Langley's house?
3:33:10 With COMPUTEX around the corner, any Taiwanese food you want?
3:35:22 What's Luke's rarest PokΓ©mon GO finds in his collection?
3:35:46 What's your first action if you woke up to a Freaky Friday?
3:43:38 Have you tried a virtual challenge like The Conqueror?
3:45:30 Reference material helpful for an engineering manager position?
3:49:05 Luke's laugh appreciation comment
3:49:36 If Luke was CVO, would he start LTT Labs knowing the ROI of it?
3:52:40 Elaborating on Mattermost's problems
3:54:33 Thoughts on Framework and the earthquake?
3:56:07 ETA for tall and big LTTStore products?
3:56:59 Favorite flower?
3:57:31 Outro

You never want to cut corners on your PC’s power supply. So check out what Seasonic has to offer at:

Visit and use offer code WAN for 10% off

Check out the MSI AEGIS RS2 14th at

Big Publishers Are Gaming Google Search

Podcast Download:

Timestamps (Courtesy of NoKi1119):
0:00 Chapters
1:30 Intro
2:08 Topic #1 - Covering LMG's April Fools shoot at the old house
4:51 What could've been, David's idea, everyone actually worked there
8:14 Linus on who was involved & the costs of doing this
13:19 David's on-set video idea, how the neighbors dealt with this
17:03 Cars shot was perfect, news reached out about the "C&D" letter
21:14 BTS video was an hour long, "this video was a tax write-off"
24:27 "Does Gary like Arc?," Linus describes Gary's views
25:46 Some jokes were cut out, staff's commitment & energy was great
29:34 David's final thoughts on this project
30:15 Merch Messages #1 ft. David
30:26 How far do you plan to shoot April Fools videos? ft. Ludwig video
32:38 Most difficult stunt to pull off? ft. LTT's past April Fools
39:38 FP price will go up, current subs will be grandfathered in
43:15 Mad Max joke, characters, PS5 jailbreak joke, David leaves
46:04 Wearing Terry Fox Foundation's shirt, Luke reading the note & shirt
50:35 Topic #2 - Amazon's "Just Walk Out" system to be closed
52:20 "Amazon Mechanical" Turk, Linus is confused, Luke explain "The Turk"
55:50 Machine learning, "Dash Cart," LTT's Amazon video, wage math
1:07:28 LTTStore's limited Welcome Hole shirts
1:08:12 Plouffe's car "upgrade," name tag holder shirt poll
1:11:02 Merch Messages #2
1:18:31 Best way to keep my family safe while running a home lab?
1:21:23 Sponsor - Seasonic
1:23:54 Sponsor - Squarespace
1:25:06 Sponsor - MSI
1:26:19 Topic #3 - Linus's reaction to his car being broken into
1:27:36 Why Linus didn't run, sugar glass, not the first time it happened
1:33:10 Scrubbing through the FP video, ketchup packets in his car
1:36:50 Merch Messages #3
1:37:08 Thoughts on Ross Scott against Ubisoft killing The Crew?
1:43:40 Why is 256 characters the default for NTFS paths?
1:46:26 How do we guard against detached decisions? ft. Driving, "Dan leaking"
1:59:33 Topic #4 - Intel's chip fab in Germany finds ancient burial mounds
2:01:20 Topic #5 - Google deletes incognito details to settle $5B lawsuit
2:02:26 "Welcome to the WAN Show!" - Alive Luke 2k24
2:03:49 Topic #6 - Discord's Quest, GAMER EDITION ads
2:06:45 Luke's thoughts, data streaming
2:08:31 Luke on Discord's model, Teams to be decoupled from Office
2:11:28 Discord enterprise mode idea
2:15:54 Topic #7 - Google to shut down Podcast internationally
2:19:52 Topic #8 - YouTube's "Jump Ahead" skips to best parts of videos
2:21:30 LTT Labs' new RTX 4070 Super review
2:22:49 Showcasing comparison charts & color edits
2:24:06 Testing out comparison bin
2:26:38 Topic #9 - Truth Social is now public, initial value of $8b
2:27:58 Donald Trump sued co-founders, checking stock worth
2:29:48 Linus suggests against investing, compares revenue with FP
2:33:57 Gambling's huge sponsor offers & revenue
2:37:27 LMG going public scenario, Luke points out Linus's risking habit
2:43:26 Gaming hotel business idea, mentioning Mario
2:45:09 Thoughts on Geek Squad's layoffs
2:46:50 Topic #10 - Developers say that indie games funding dried up
2:48:20 Luke recalls Unity's controversy, Godot game by Megacrit
2:49:13 Topic #11 - Outlook accused of sharing user data with 801 companies
2:50:48 Topic #12 - Linux backdoor found that targets encrypted data
2:54:15 Topic #13 - Twitter indirectly sells data for government surveillance
3:01:40 Topic #14 - HouseFresh calls out Google's recommended product lists
3:08:28 LTT Labs debate on using AI voice, viability, compromises, profits
3:21:42 Merch Messages #4
3:22:39 Advice for a timid person to have their voice heard in a convo?
3:25:05 Do you think the PS Portal was a success?
3:26:27 What would Luke's new car of choice be?
3:27:19 Changes on LTTStore products we missed? ft. After Dark
3:29:33 Disclosure of AI in your content? Would you care?
3:32:40 How much of Linus's kids remember Langley's house?
3:33:10 With COMPUTEX around the corner, any Taiwanese food you want?
3:35:22 What's Luke's rarest PokΓ©mon GO finds in his collection?
3:35:46 What's your first action if you woke up to a Freaky Friday?
3:43:38 Have you tried a virtual challenge like The Conqueror?
3:45:30 Reference material helpful for an engineering manager position?
3:49:05 Luke's laugh appreciation comment
3:49:36 If Luke was CVO, would he start LTT Labs knowing the ROI of it?
3:52:40 Elaborating on Mattermost's problems
3:54:33 Thoughts on Framework and the earthquake?
3:56:07 ETA for tall and big LTTStore products?
3:56:59 Favorite flower?
3:57:31 Outro

YouTube Video UEw4bUctUmtOMnVUdzdQaGxuQXI0cFpaejJRdWJJYnVqSC5ENkM0Q0U2NjE5OTNCNEFC

How We Did The April Fool's Office Prank - WAN Show April 5, 2024

Linus Tech Tips views April 6, 2024 5:47 am

Start your day on the right foot with AG1 at

Save 10% and Free Shipping at The Ridge by using offer code WAN at

April is coming, so protect yourselves from the rain with Vessi! Save 15% with our offer code WANSHOW at

Podcast Download:

Timestamps (Courtesy of NoKi1119):
0:00 Chapters
1:09 Intro
1:36 Topic #1 - Federal investigators forcing Google to share IDs of YT users
4:20 Another investigation instance, privacy experts' quote
5:13 Being on a list over a YT video, Luke on scythe mowing
12:33 Linus mentions drone pictures on North Korea, Luke recalls the cars
15:42 North Korean Wii clone, Kim Jong II was a film buff
18:07 Topic #2 - Frustrations with the second-hand marketplace & "$1" prices
21:48 Linus suggests reporting listings ft. SIM swapping, 2FA
25:46 Stolen YouTube thumbnail, sorting doesn't matter, video idea
32:54 LTT's mowing lawns video, bad shirt, SB Mowing
39:52 LTTStore's new pin series 4 ft. Luke fills the couch with air
43:27 Merch Messages #1
43:32 Worst stunt a company tried to pull on a consumer?
44:54 How would you deal with an investment firm buying your company?
59:23 Has Linus enjoyed Zero Dawn?  Will he play Forbidden West?
1:09:46 Topic #3 - Console market is shrinking as gaming industry grows
1:12:26 Luke on the saturation of new gen consoles, XBOX CEO's quote
1:13:30 Linus predicted this, recalls gaming devices history
1:22:36 "Make Windows good," Luke on Store, Bing Elijah pictures
1:29:15 Sponsor - AG1 ft. Bad pins advice
1:31:05 Sponsor - Ridge
1:32:28 Sponsor - Vessi
1:34:29 Merch Messages #2
1:34:37 Any consumer level tech products you're excited for?
1:41:22 Worst thing a company tried to pull on LMG?
1:50:25 Games you'd rather your kids not get into? Chevy Volt?
1:56:51 What social media will Linus's junior kid be allowed on?
2:08:34 Topic #4 - OpenAI's Sora to form partnerships with Hollywood
2:13:46 Topic #5 - SEC can sue crypto coins over financial security
2:15:56 Topic #6 - Facebook's Project Ghostbusters secretly spied on SC users
2:20:04 Topic #7 - Qualcomm's emulation layer for Windows on ARM
2:22:19 Topic #8 - Florida bans kids from social media ft. Luke inflates couch
2:28:14 New LTT Labs webpage & logo design
2:41:10 Luke on the logo test, Linus tries to draw it
2:42:46 Merch Messages #3
2:42:50 Would Luke take friends & family on a charter flight?
2:44:15 History of LTT Labs gradients & logo mock-ups
2:51:34 Badminton Club's logo ideas, Smash Champs
2:57:12 Merch Messages #4 ft. WAN Show After Dark
2:57:50 Growing pains with LMGs? ft. "Who the F is Dan?" Dan-in-a-tub
3:03:54 What's your review on sellers paying for reviews?
3:13:21 Do you think Intel Battlemage will have a better launch?
3:14:23 What was the saddest company takeover you witnessed?
3:15:45 Would a Dell Tower server make for a good first server?
3:16:30 Reactions to the return of LTT's intro? ft. "Who the F is Dan?" Shirt
3:18:10 Would LTTStore rerun past limited designs?
3:20:19 How do you assess your production & see what to change?
3:21:04 How do you feel about users breaking TOS to make it more usable?
3:22:01 Did Linus get revenge on Colton for the pregnancy prank?
3:22:28 Does Linus still have his bike?
3:23:00 Favorite retro games you'd share with your kids?
3:24:13 What LMG video would you decide to re-shoot and why?
3:26:30 If you bounce on the couch very hard, will it handle it?
3:28:09 Outro ft. Luke explains the couch's "cells," second BYE

Start your day on the right foot with AG1 at

Save 10% and Free Shipping at The Ridge by using offer code WAN at

April is coming, so protect yourselves from the rain with Vessi! Save 15% with our offer code WANSHOW at

Podcast Download:

Timestamps (Courtesy of NoKi1119):
0:00 Chapters
1:09 Intro
1:36 Topic #1 - Federal investigators forcing Google to share IDs of YT users
4:20 Another investigation instance, privacy experts' quote
5:13 Being on a list over a YT video, Luke on scythe mowing
12:33 Linus mentions drone pictures on North Korea, Luke recalls the cars
15:42 North Korean Wii clone, Kim Jong II was a film buff
18:07 Topic #2 - Frustrations with the second-hand marketplace & "$1" prices
21:48 Linus suggests reporting listings ft. SIM swapping, 2FA
25:46 Stolen YouTube thumbnail, sorting doesn't matter, video idea
32:54 LTT's mowing lawns video, bad shirt, SB Mowing
39:52 LTTStore's new pin series 4 ft. Luke fills the couch with air
43:27 Merch Messages #1
43:32 Worst stunt a company tried to pull on a consumer?
44:54 How would you deal with an investment firm buying your company?
59:23 Has Linus enjoyed Zero Dawn? Will he play Forbidden West?
1:09:46 Topic #3 - Console market is shrinking as gaming industry grows
1:12:26 Luke on the saturation of new gen consoles, XBOX CEO's quote
1:13:30 Linus predicted this, recalls gaming devices history
1:22:36 "Make Windows good," Luke on Store, Bing Elijah pictures
1:29:15 Sponsor - AG1 ft. Bad pins advice
1:31:05 Sponsor - Ridge
1:32:28 Sponsor - Vessi
1:34:29 Merch Messages #2
1:34:37 Any consumer level tech products you're excited for?
1:41:22 Worst thing a company tried to pull on LMG?
1:50:25 Games you'd rather your kids not get into? Chevy Volt?
1:56:51 What social media will Linus's junior kid be allowed on?
2:08:34 Topic #4 - OpenAI's Sora to form partnerships with Hollywood
2:13:46 Topic #5 - SEC can sue crypto coins over financial security
2:15:56 Topic #6 - Facebook's Project Ghostbusters secretly spied on SC users
2:20:04 Topic #7 - Qualcomm's emulation layer for Windows on ARM
2:22:19 Topic #8 - Florida bans kids from social media ft. Luke inflates couch
2:28:14 New LTT Labs webpage & logo design
2:41:10 Luke on the logo test, Linus tries to draw it
2:42:46 Merch Messages #3
2:42:50 Would Luke take friends & family on a charter flight?
2:44:15 History of LTT Labs gradients & logo mock-ups
2:51:34 Badminton Club's logo ideas, Smash Champs
2:57:12 Merch Messages #4 ft. WAN Show After Dark
2:57:50 Growing pains with LMGs? ft. "Who the F is Dan?" Dan-in-a-tub
3:03:54 What's your review on sellers paying for reviews?
3:13:21 Do you think Intel Battlemage will have a better launch?
3:14:23 What was the saddest company takeover you witnessed?
3:15:45 Would a Dell Tower server make for a good first server?
3:16:30 Reactions to the return of LTT's intro? ft. "Who the F is Dan?" Shirt
3:18:10 Would LTTStore rerun past limited designs?
3:20:19 How do you assess your production & see what to change?
3:21:04 How do you feel about users breaking TOS to make it more usable?
3:22:01 Did Linus get revenge on Colton for the pregnancy prank?
3:22:28 Does Linus still have his bike?
3:23:00 Favorite retro games you'd share with your kids?
3:24:13 What LMG video would you decide to re-shoot and why?
3:26:30 If you bounce on the couch very hard, will it handle it?
3:28:09 Outro ft. Luke explains the couch's "cells," second BYE

YouTube Video UEw4bUctUmtOMnVUdzdQaGxuQXI0cFpaejJRdWJJYnVqSC45NkNBM0NCN0UzQkU1ODMw

I Hate Facebook Marketplace - WAN Show March 29, 2024

Linus Tech Tips views March 30, 2024 6:05 am

Sell your old graphics card the easy way and offset the cost of your new card at

UGREEN getting in the NAS game?! Yup! Check out the UGREEN NASync series at (40% OFF 3.26 8am-28 8am; up to 35% OFF 3.28-5.9)

Pick yourself up a beautiful WhiteFox Eclipse Mechanical Keyboard and use code LMGECLIPSE for 10% off your purchase at

Grab your very own set of LTT Keycaps with free US Shipping! Go to

Purchases made through some store links may provide some compensation to Linus Media Group. 

Podcast Download:

Timestamps (Courtesy of NoKi1119):
0:00 Chapters
1:01 Intro
1:36 Topic #1 - DOJ sues Apple over alleged monopoly in the mobile market
4:14 "Apple Watches can't work with Android," Linus calls bull on this
7:40 DOJ's list of issues, Linus on CarPlay & no interest in Tesla
10:40 Apple's statement, ecosystem & walled garden firmware updates
13:55 Parallels between this & past lawsuits, anti-competitive behavior
17:13 Luke recalls Steam's 30% cut, XBOX games, Apple blocking the FP app
26:51 The knock-on effect, "you want the Apple that's hungry"
32:12 Luke mentions ThioJoe's arguments, Linus hopes DOJ wins
37:20 Luke on Microsoft's AI, discussing monetization
44:35 Topic #2 - The Minimal phone, E-ink display with QWERTY keyboard
46:07 Linus's not a fan of "laggy QWERTY," Dan misses BB swipe navigation
49:10 Luke on YT's recommendations, Linus on "secret meets"
50:24 Luke is interested, app time limits, Linus's product idea
1:04:14 Free shipping on orders with LTT retro screwdriver until March 29th
1:05:10 Tech sack back in stock, MCM ft. Magnets can open a fridge
1:07:32 Merch Messages #1
1:07:40 Has your opinion on DRAMless SSDs changed?
1:20:33 What do you guys think about nonmajor brand GPUs?
1:21:45 Topic #3 - LinkedIn to add games on LinkedIn
1:25:50 Topic #4 - Glassdoor caught no longer being anonymous
1:29:52 Sponsor - Jawa
1:31:14 Sponsor - UGREEN ft. Suddenly, Linus
1:32:53 Sponsor - WhiteFox
1:35:11 Merch Messages #2 ft. Linus struggles to enter the dashboard
1:40:20 How did the GPU pandemic affect the sales of peripherals?
1:40:46 Has LTT Labs influenced your decisions yet? ft. Japan
1:44:44 History of the WAN Show streak ft. "Hospital cam"
1:48:06 What's an appropriate fine for customer data getting stolen?
1:54:12 Topic #5 - Steam Family, play different games at the same time
2:02:38 Topic #6 - Smosh's "Submissive & Breedable" references Linus
2:07:33 Recalling Mome Boys' "Still Beat" lyric, LTT's cultural influence
2:12:02 How does Linus feel about this? ft. Dan's hot bars
2:15:13 Topic #7 - The first Neuralink user can play games using his mind
2:17:14 Topic #8 - Toronto restaurant renames menu to write them off
2:19:18 Topic #9 - Apex Legends hacks players mid tournament "for fun"
2:24:49 Discussing how Baldur's Gate 3 isn't planning to get DLCs
2:28:28 Topic #10 - Flipper Zero responds to Canada's ban
2:29:40 Topic #11 - EVGA PSU RMA kills 22TB over pinout changes
2:33:15 Floatplane "Spring Break" exclusives & giveaways
2:35:36 Luke shows battle paper airplane video teaser
2:38:57 Linus's trip to Japan ft. WAN Show After Dark
2:40:54 Linus went into a packed Japanese train
2:42:15 Luke asks what went good, Super Nintendo World trip
2:45:16 PokΓ©mon CafΓ© reservation, Linus on the food's lack of quality
2:48:56 Other cafΓ©s & family experience
2:50:36 Linus covers the high tech society, tickets, checkpoints
2:56:33 Linus enjoyed SMW's detail, Luke on signs & his experience
3:00:50 Linus isn't a fan of traveling or seafood
3:01:44 Merch Messages #3 ft. Technical difficulties
3:02:28 Luke on playing Anno 1800
3:05:06 Any proud dad gaming milestones?
3:05:49 Do you see Apple making a Beats-like Android app for AirPods?
3:06:10 How is Microsoft still able to aggressively bundle Edge?
3:06:35 How did you learn to let go of your privacy as a public figure?
3:09:45 Have you found a good wireless solution for the Valve Index?
3:10:18 Anything you or your professor did that helped with Luke's dyslexia?
3:13:58 Thoughts on the many YT scam ads? Should Google be held liable?
3:14:46 Does Linus use Plex? Competitors? Streaming recommendation?
3:16:50 How would Linus react if he caught his kid cheating, V.S. exploit?
3:17:58 How does Luke keep a fully remote team motivated & successful?
3:21:50 Are Luke & Linus satisfied after working on LMG? Childhood dreams?
3:26:12 Linus on cost of things & quality in Japan
3:28:45 Outro ft. Double outro, scenes overlay

Sell your old graphics card the easy way and offset the cost of your new card at

UGREEN getting in the NAS game?! Yup! Check out the UGREEN NASync series at (40% OFF 3.26 8am-28 8am; up to 35% OFF 3.28-5.9)

Pick yourself up a beautiful WhiteFox Eclipse Mechanical Keyboard and use code LMGECLIPSE for 10% off your purchase at

Grab your very own set of LTT Keycaps with free US Shipping! Go to

Purchases made through some store links may provide some compensation to Linus Media Group.

Podcast Download:

Timestamps (Courtesy of NoKi1119):
0:00 Chapters
1:01 Intro
1:36 Topic #1 - DOJ sues Apple over alleged monopoly in the mobile market
4:14 "Apple Watches can't work with Android," Linus calls bull on this
7:40 DOJ's list of issues, Linus on CarPlay & no interest in Tesla
10:40 Apple's statement, ecosystem & walled garden firmware updates
13:55 Parallels between this & past lawsuits, anti-competitive behavior
17:13 Luke recalls Steam's 30% cut, XBOX games, Apple blocking the FP app
26:51 The knock-on effect, "you want the Apple that's hungry"
32:12 Luke mentions ThioJoe's arguments, Linus hopes DOJ wins
37:20 Luke on Microsoft's AI, discussing monetization
44:35 Topic #2 - The Minimal phone, E-ink display with QWERTY keyboard
46:07 Linus's not a fan of "laggy QWERTY," Dan misses BB swipe navigation
49:10 Luke on YT's recommendations, Linus on "secret meets"
50:24 Luke is interested, app time limits, Linus's product idea
1:04:14 Free shipping on orders with LTT retro screwdriver until March 29th
1:05:10 Tech sack back in stock, MCM ft. Magnets can open a fridge
1:07:32 Merch Messages #1
1:07:40 Has your opinion on DRAMless SSDs changed?
1:20:33 What do you guys think about nonmajor brand GPUs?
1:21:45 Topic #3 - LinkedIn to add games on LinkedIn
1:25:50 Topic #4 - Glassdoor caught no longer being anonymous
1:29:52 Sponsor - Jawa
1:31:14 Sponsor - UGREEN ft. Suddenly, Linus
1:32:53 Sponsor - WhiteFox
1:35:11 Merch Messages #2 ft. Linus struggles to enter the dashboard
1:40:20 How did the GPU pandemic affect the sales of peripherals?
1:40:46 Has LTT Labs influenced your decisions yet? ft. Japan
1:44:44 History of the WAN Show streak ft. "Hospital cam"
1:48:06 What's an appropriate fine for customer data getting stolen?
1:54:12 Topic #5 - Steam Family, play different games at the same time
2:02:38 Topic #6 - Smosh's "Submissive & Breedable" references Linus
2:07:33 Recalling Mome Boys' "Still Beat" lyric, LTT's cultural influence
2:12:02 How does Linus feel about this? ft. Dan's hot bars
2:15:13 Topic #7 - The first Neuralink user can play games using his mind
2:17:14 Topic #8 - Toronto restaurant renames menu to write them off
2:19:18 Topic #9 - Apex Legends hacks players mid tournament "for fun"
2:24:49 Discussing how Baldur's Gate 3 isn't planning to get DLCs
2:28:28 Topic #10 - Flipper Zero responds to Canada's ban
2:29:40 Topic #11 - EVGA PSU RMA kills 22TB over pinout changes
2:33:15 Floatplane "Spring Break" exclusives & giveaways
2:35:36 Luke shows battle paper airplane video teaser
2:38:57 Linus's trip to Japan ft. WAN Show After Dark
2:40:54 Linus went into a packed Japanese train
2:42:15 Luke asks what went good, Super Nintendo World trip
2:45:16 PokΓ©mon CafΓ© reservation, Linus on the food's lack of quality
2:48:56 Other cafΓ©s & family experience
2:50:36 Linus covers the high tech society, tickets, checkpoints
2:56:33 Linus enjoyed SMW's detail, Luke on signs & his experience
3:00:50 Linus isn't a fan of traveling or seafood
3:01:44 Merch Messages #3 ft. Technical difficulties
3:02:28 Luke on playing Anno 1800
3:05:06 Any proud dad gaming milestones?
3:05:49 Do you see Apple making a Beats-like Android app for AirPods?
3:06:10 How is Microsoft still able to aggressively bundle Edge?
3:06:35 How did you learn to let go of your privacy as a public figure?
3:09:45 Have you found a good wireless solution for the Valve Index?
3:10:18 Anything you or your professor did that helped with Luke's dyslexia?
3:13:58 Thoughts on the many YT scam ads? Should Google be held liable?
3:14:46 Does Linus use Plex? Competitors? Streaming recommendation?
3:16:50 How would Linus react if he caught his kid cheating, V.S. exploit?
3:17:58 How does Luke keep a fully remote team motivated & successful?
3:21:50 Are Luke & Linus satisfied after working on LMG? Childhood dreams?
3:26:12 Linus on cost of things & quality in Japan
3:28:45 Outro ft. Double outro, scenes overlay

YouTube Video UEw4bUctUmtOMnVUdzdQaGxuQXI0cFpaejJRdWJJYnVqSC5EQTdCQkU3QjJENUZGNkE5

I'm Happy Apple Is Getting Sued - WAN Show March 22, 2024

Linus Tech Tips views March 23, 2024 4:39 am

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Podcast Download:

Timestamps (Courtesy of NoKi1119):
0:00 Chapters
1:40 Intro
2:05 Topic #1 - Kate Middleton's Mother's Day photo scandal
6:08 Linus on royal followers, Luke on the ring & Mother's Day
8:41 Signs of image & face edits, Linus's face, GoT, "royal" names
12:06 Linus on how this scandal is a huge moment, WAN Show live on Twitter
13:38 Linus on trained AI, Luke asks why they'd use AI over photoshopping
19:56 Linus's favorite comment, Luke on "King cash," Terry Fox Foundation collab
24:50 New passport design
25:48 Topic #2 - Cars now sell driving data to data brokers
28:44 Linus on lack of laws against data collectors, insurance struggles
32:35 Linus asks Luke how many people should hear about this
40:01 LTTStore's new tax write-off shirt, Luke is confused
44:51 Tax write-off, 30x30 CPU pillows & color block hoodies sale
47:28 Linus explains why, Luke asks why prove a point, Linus on education
52:22 Number of shirts sold, Linus on MCM's magnets & pricing
1:00:53 Power bar key & power brick holders
1:03:45 Luke asks for a demo, MCM cable ties & arches, key hack-ability
1:10:04 MCM sizes, VHB plates, magnetic axis, MCM work newsletter
1:17:54 Dan is doing his best, Super Chexx FP exclusive, Ludwig collab
1:20:57 Topic #3 - Luke wants to fight Ludwig, punishment PC
1:22:22 City of Surrey disallows hosting LAN at Badminton center
1:23:37 Luke thinks Linus cheated on him, "BDSM exclusive"
1:25:09 Linus on Ludwig's talent, Luke's favorite YouTube video
1:26:48 Merch Messages #1 ft. Limited dashboard
1:27:36 Future LMG running on only LTTStore? Good changes to the company?
1:31:16 Linus shows message from Nick, calls Nick, "grey shirt"
1:34:38 Did you do well on school writing? When did you hire the first writer?
1:36:40 How would the removal of hyperthreading impact performance?
1:39:45 Luke points out Nick's funny LTTStore edits, hoodies sold out
1:41:32 Sponsor - Ridge
1:42:42 Sponsor - Squarespace
1:43:47 Sponsor - Vessi
1:44:46 Merch Messages #2 ft. Too many MMs
1:45:12 Origin of Luke's "BYE" ft. KB-460 video, Jake's search AI tool
1:51:48 Nick finds more pink &  periwinkle shirts
1:53:09 Topic #4 - Airbnb bans indoor security cameras
2:01:48 Nick finds more things to write off, "HOLD ON"
2:03:09 Topic #5 - European Parliament votes to adopt EU's AI Act
2:05:45 Problem bros, Luke on a walking clinic, NON medical advices
2:08:05 Topic #6 - Notebookchecks's  article criticizes LTT's PS5 video
2:20:48 Linus on media coverage, Luke's experience with collabs
2:22:51 LTT's fast network video, FCC renews definition of Broadband
2:28:22 Jake's AI tool, Nick lists more clothes for sale, Linus's hair
2:34:17 Unit count increased, revenue & profit dropping down
2:35:23 Topic #7 - AMD requires 144 Hz spec to be eligible for FreeSync naming
2:35:36 Merch Messages #3 ft. WAN Show After Dark, comfort food
2:36:36 Anything LTTStore customers focused on you didn't expect them to?
2:38:26 Why don't we see sturdy shuttles that behave like feathers?
2:40:48 Dan appreciation merch message
2:41:10 What criteria do you use to give juniors admin passwords to infra?
2:45:07 Is Linus open to criticism?
2:49:17 Hardest part of selecting the components for each MCM pack?
2:50:19 What body part would you replace with titanium?
2:51:14 Dan cried in the server room (real), Super Chexx, airport
2:54:01 Between Yvonne & Luke, who had the most development?
3:05:54 How did Linus like the hydrafacial? Would he get another?
3:15:07 Cool milestones Luke hit with his birds ft. Butterfly needles
3:17:46 Why do some YouTube companies blur a logo?
3:20:01 "LTT screwdriver is made in the largest man-made mineshaft"
3:20:33 Did you see the Star Wars: Battlefront re-release?
3:21:23 Have the improvements in wafer yields caused the end of entry CPUs/GPUs?
3:22:40 LTT screwdriver compromises? ft. MMs, Linus's alarm
3:26:45 Dan's favorite retro game?
3:28:21 What screws must you use with the MCM?
3:30:01 Does Luke's team hire US citizens? ft. Struggling with MMs
3:30:53 What LTTStore product would you want to have a V2 update?
3:32:44 What side project idea should I do? ft. V2 ABC's book
3:34:25 How do you measure success in your lives outside of views?
3:39:14 Twitch very thin undershirt "idea"
3:40:13 Most important equipment not to skimp on to get onto YouTube?
3:40:45 Outro ft. Super Chexx after party, merch messages fly-by

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Podcast Download:

Timestamps (Courtesy of NoKi1119):
0:00 Chapters
1:40 Intro
2:05 Topic #1 - Kate Middleton's Mother's Day photo scandal
6:08 Linus on royal followers, Luke on the ring & Mother's Day
8:41 Signs of image & face edits, Linus's face, GoT, "royal" names
12:06 Linus on how this scandal is a huge moment, WAN Show live on Twitter
13:38 Linus on trained AI, Luke asks why they'd use AI over photoshopping
19:56 Linus's favorite comment, Luke on "King cash," Terry Fox Foundation collab
24:50 New passport design
25:48 Topic #2 - Cars now sell driving data to data brokers
28:44 Linus on lack of laws against data collectors, insurance struggles
32:35 Linus asks Luke how many people should hear about this
40:01 LTTStore's new tax write-off shirt, Luke is confused
44:51 Tax write-off, 30x30 CPU pillows & color block hoodies sale
47:28 Linus explains why, Luke asks why prove a point, Linus on education
52:22 Number of shirts sold, Linus on MCM's magnets & pricing
1:00:53 Power bar key & power brick holders
1:03:45 Luke asks for a demo, MCM cable ties & arches, key hack-ability
1:10:04 MCM sizes, VHB plates, magnetic axis, MCM work newsletter
1:17:54 Dan is doing his best, Super Chexx FP exclusive, Ludwig collab
1:20:57 Topic #3 - Luke wants to fight Ludwig, punishment PC
1:22:22 City of Surrey disallows hosting LAN at Badminton center
1:23:37 Luke thinks Linus cheated on him, "BDSM exclusive"
1:25:09 Linus on Ludwig's talent, Luke's favorite YouTube video
1:26:48 Merch Messages #1 ft. Limited dashboard
1:27:36 Future LMG running on only LTTStore? Good changes to the company?
1:31:16 Linus shows message from Nick, calls Nick, "grey shirt"
1:34:38 Did you do well on school writing? When did you hire the first writer?
1:36:40 How would the removal of hyperthreading impact performance?
1:39:45 Luke points out Nick's funny LTTStore edits, hoodies sold out
1:41:32 Sponsor - Ridge
1:42:42 Sponsor - Squarespace
1:43:47 Sponsor - Vessi
1:44:46 Merch Messages #2 ft. Too many MMs
1:45:12 Origin of Luke's "BYE" ft. KB-460 video, Jake's search AI tool
1:51:48 Nick finds more pink & periwinkle shirts
1:53:09 Topic #4 - Airbnb bans indoor security cameras
2:01:48 Nick finds more things to write off, "HOLD ON"
2:03:09 Topic #5 - European Parliament votes to adopt EU's AI Act
2:05:45 Problem bros, Luke on a walking clinic, NON medical advices
2:08:05 Topic #6 - Notebookchecks's article criticizes LTT's PS5 video
2:20:48 Linus on media coverage, Luke's experience with collabs
2:22:51 LTT's fast network video, FCC renews definition of Broadband
2:28:22 Jake's AI tool, Nick lists more clothes for sale, Linus's hair
2:34:17 Unit count increased, revenue & profit dropping down
2:35:23 Topic #7 - AMD requires 144 Hz spec to be eligible for FreeSync naming
2:35:36 Merch Messages #3 ft. WAN Show After Dark, comfort food
2:36:36 Anything LTTStore customers focused on you didn't expect them to?
2:38:26 Why don't we see sturdy shuttles that behave like feathers?
2:40:48 Dan appreciation merch message
2:41:10 What criteria do you use to give juniors admin passwords to infra?
2:45:07 Is Linus open to criticism?
2:49:17 Hardest part of selecting the components for each MCM pack?
2:50:19 What body part would you replace with titanium?
2:51:14 Dan cried in the server room (real), Super Chexx, airport
2:54:01 Between Yvonne & Luke, who had the most development?
3:05:54 How did Linus like the hydrafacial? Would he get another?
3:15:07 Cool milestones Luke hit with his birds ft. Butterfly needles
3:17:46 Why do some YouTube companies blur a logo?
3:20:01 "LTT screwdriver is made in the largest man-made mineshaft"
3:20:33 Did you see the Star Wars: Battlefront re-release?
3:21:23 Have the improvements in wafer yields caused the end of entry CPUs/GPUs?
3:22:40 LTT screwdriver compromises? ft. MMs, Linus's alarm
3:26:45 Dan's favorite retro game?
3:28:21 What screws must you use with the MCM?
3:30:01 Does Luke's team hire US citizens? ft. Struggling with MMs
3:30:53 What LTTStore product would you want to have a V2 update?
3:32:44 What side project idea should I do? ft. V2 ABC's book
3:34:25 How do you measure success in your lives outside of views?
3:39:14 Twitch very thin undershirt "idea"
3:40:13 Most important equipment not to skimp on to get onto YouTube?
3:40:45 Outro ft. Super Chexx after party, merch messages fly-by

YouTube Video UEw4bUctUmtOMnVUdzdQaGxuQXI0cFpaejJRdWJJYnVqSC4wRDRDMzA4N0U2MDVCQTcy

This Is A Royal Disaster - WAN Show March 15, 2024

Linus Tech Tips views March 16, 2024 6:25 am

Start your day on the right foot with AG1 at

Sign up for Oracle DevLive: Build with Data and AI at:

Visit and use offer code WAN for 10% off

Podcast Download:

Timestamps (Courtesy of NoKi1119):
0:00 Chapters
1:08 Intro
1:31 Topic #1 - NVIDIA's GeForce Now supports variable refresh rate
4:18 $10/mo, Linus's morbid example, $399/mo Priority Day Pass
6:19 Luke on a trial period FP scenario, Linus on LMG's sponsors
8:40 Discussing the pricing, Luke mentions first month contribution
13:08 Floatplane exclusive Super Chexx after party
14:22 Topic #2 - Nintendo sues Tropic Haze's Yuzu over piracy, quickly ceased
15:42 Citra shut down, Ryujinx rejects invites, DraStic is now free
16:40 Should emulator developers be concerned? Linus discusses legality
19:30 Effect of Nintendo's lawsuit, the impossibility of shutting it down
22:24 Linus on piracy, Nintendo dev kits, recalling NVIDIA super phones
27:16 Linus tells Nintendo to "f-off," mentions Sony & Microsoft
33:12 Luke to host FP content, chicken, game companies & old games
39:14 Making old games fun, HD2's system req, CS2, defining "game"
47:04 Linus's chess example, Luke's VR idea, chess games
50:49 LTTStore's new LTT hat & hat pro, free shipment promo
55:30 Luke on headphones, cosmetic difference, Linus on "waterproof"
57:25 Merch Messages #1
57:30 Why do fruit stickers rip off? ft. Linus on cars
1:02:18 NVIDIA-sponsored LTT video, COMPUTEX & CES attitude discussion
1:05:48 Upgrading the worst setup, LTT Hat Pro's holes
1:10:18 Any market subsection that could avoid selling off to companies?
1:12:15 Topic #3 - Warner Bros shuts down Rooster Teeth
1:13:06 Warner Bros delists Adult Swim games, plea to transfer rejected
1:17:54 Physical media, Rooster Teeth shows, LTT's acquisition offer
1:21:22 Topic #4 - Linus covers his tax write-off rant on LTT's RYMC video
1:23:54 "Pool is a tax write-off," slate, Dan finds infinite money bug
1:28:38 "After party is a tax write-off," write off regulations
1:36:48 Sponsor - AG1
1:38:07 FP exclusive - Maria shares funny writers thumbnail drawings
1:39:33 Sponsor - Oracle
1:40:24 Sponsor - Squarespace
1:41:33 Merch Messages #2
1:41:37 What happens when a database of fingerprints gets hacked?
1:44:06 UV protective shirt update? ft. Antimicrobial coating
1:50:05 Have you noticed issues with DDR5 on AMD V.S. Intel?
1:51:26 What does Luke think was best & worst Linus lead-dev ideas?
1:55:14 Topic #5 - LTT owns Lumafield's Neptune X-Ray scanner
1:57:46 "Scanning Elijah's brain as a tax write-off," LMG auditing
2:00:29 Linus on app bloat, Luke likes this, Linus on SharePoint
2:02:54 Dan's threat, "double tax write-off!"
2:03:48 Showcasing X-ray scans done, "tax write-off shirts!"
2:09:19 Topic #6 - Samsung ruins OLED's branding
2:18:48 Topic #7 - Microsoft to end support for Android apps
2:21:40 Topic #8 - Roku disables TV until users agree to the new terms
2:25:21 Topic #9 - Nikon acquires RED cameras
2:27:47 Topic #10 - Linux user base hits 4% of total computers
2:32:07 Luke on anti-cheats, Linus on AR cheats, Luke mentions CS2's OW
2:34:22 Linus's monitoring device idea & pricing, Luke on WoT cheats
2:43:13 Topic #11 - Euro NCAP requires physical buttons on cars for safety
2:43:31 Topic #12 - Oregon's bill targets parts pairing
2:44:53 Merch Messages #3 ft. After Dark, Dan leaves to set up Super Chexx
2:45:28 Is using macros for gaming cheating?
2:46:26 Does Linus monitor his solar with his tech-infused house?
2:51:03 Can we sponsor Luke to gush on games live? ft. Games, Luke's PC
2:58:56 LTTStore cargo pants update? LinusCatTreats?
3:01:01 You get a bad monitor, what spec you'd want to be top of the line?
3:01:58 Have you seen Chrysler Pacifica's plug-in hybrid minivan?
3:03:28 How does the LTT hat pro handle head sweat?
3:04:14 Non-tech public service jobs you'd do? ft. Side hustle, VEVOR
3:07:20 Comfortable LTT merch while flying? Quake Champions?
3:08:54 Tips for winning in Super Chexx? Dennis spots on FP?
3:12:18 Thoughts on YouTubers retiring & MatPat's impact?
3:15:46 Advices you wished you were told when you became a parent?
3:16:45 Why make cables when many cables already exist?
3:18:10 Which rig you had the most fun building at LTT?
3:21:05 Doing more real world reviews like u/Frashure11's backpack?
3:23:00 Tax write-off, hardest FP problem Luke solved? ft. Monitor
3:28:56 What do you consider important skills for PC enthusiasts?
3:30:14 Odd things you've seen wired up to a computer?
3:31:11 Managing screen time for kids? ft. Kids & parenting stories
3:46:10 How to manage performance anxiety when the stakes are high?
3:48:31 When will the water bottles be back in stock?
3:50:22 How's the SYNCRO Q7 case handling? SFS PC for home theater?
3:52:52 Failing to figure out how to end the show
3:55:15 Outro ft. "BYE" shirt

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Podcast Download:

Timestamps (Courtesy of NoKi1119):
0:00 Chapters
1:08 Intro
1:31 Topic #1 - NVIDIA's GeForce Now supports variable refresh rate
4:18 $10/mo, Linus's morbid example, $399/mo Priority Day Pass
6:19 Luke on a trial period FP scenario, Linus on LMG's sponsors
8:40 Discussing the pricing, Luke mentions first month contribution
13:08 Floatplane exclusive Super Chexx after party
14:22 Topic #2 - Nintendo sues Tropic Haze's Yuzu over piracy, quickly ceased
15:42 Citra shut down, Ryujinx rejects invites, DraStic is now free
16:40 Should emulator developers be concerned? Linus discusses legality
19:30 Effect of Nintendo's lawsuit, the impossibility of shutting it down
22:24 Linus on piracy, Nintendo dev kits, recalling NVIDIA super phones
27:16 Linus tells Nintendo to "f-off," mentions Sony & Microsoft
33:12 Luke to host FP content, chicken, game companies & old games
39:14 Making old games fun, HD2's system req, CS2, defining "game"
47:04 Linus's chess example, Luke's VR idea, chess games
50:49 LTTStore's new LTT hat & hat pro, free shipment promo
55:30 Luke on headphones, cosmetic difference, Linus on "waterproof"
57:25 Merch Messages #1
57:30 Why do fruit stickers rip off? ft. Linus on cars
1:02:18 NVIDIA-sponsored LTT video, COMPUTEX & CES attitude discussion
1:05:48 Upgrading the worst setup, LTT Hat Pro's holes
1:10:18 Any market subsection that could avoid selling off to companies?
1:12:15 Topic #3 - Warner Bros shuts down Rooster Teeth
1:13:06 Warner Bros delists Adult Swim games, plea to transfer rejected
1:17:54 Physical media, Rooster Teeth shows, LTT's acquisition offer
1:21:22 Topic #4 - Linus covers his tax write-off rant on LTT's RYMC video
1:23:54 "Pool is a tax write-off," slate, Dan finds infinite money bug
1:28:38 "After party is a tax write-off," write off regulations
1:36:48 Sponsor - AG1
1:38:07 FP exclusive - Maria shares funny writers thumbnail drawings
1:39:33 Sponsor - Oracle
1:40:24 Sponsor - Squarespace
1:41:33 Merch Messages #2
1:41:37 What happens when a database of fingerprints gets hacked?
1:44:06 UV protective shirt update? ft. Antimicrobial coating
1:50:05 Have you noticed issues with DDR5 on AMD V.S. Intel?
1:51:26 What does Luke think was best & worst Linus lead-dev ideas?
1:55:14 Topic #5 - LTT owns Lumafield's Neptune X-Ray scanner
1:57:46 "Scanning Elijah's brain as a tax write-off," LMG auditing
2:00:29 Linus on app bloat, Luke likes this, Linus on SharePoint
2:02:54 Dan's threat, "double tax write-off!"
2:03:48 Showcasing X-ray scans done, "tax write-off shirts!"
2:09:19 Topic #6 - Samsung ruins OLED's branding
2:18:48 Topic #7 - Microsoft to end support for Android apps
2:21:40 Topic #8 - Roku disables TV until users agree to the new terms
2:25:21 Topic #9 - Nikon acquires RED cameras
2:27:47 Topic #10 - Linux user base hits 4% of total computers
2:32:07 Luke on anti-cheats, Linus on AR cheats, Luke mentions CS2's OW
2:34:22 Linus's monitoring device idea & pricing, Luke on WoT cheats
2:43:13 Topic #11 - Euro NCAP requires physical buttons on cars for safety
2:43:31 Topic #12 - Oregon's bill targets parts pairing
2:44:53 Merch Messages #3 ft. After Dark, Dan leaves to set up Super Chexx
2:45:28 Is using macros for gaming cheating?
2:46:26 Does Linus monitor his solar with his tech-infused house?
2:51:03 Can we sponsor Luke to gush on games live? ft. Games, Luke's PC
2:58:56 LTTStore cargo pants update? LinusCatTreats?
3:01:01 You get a bad monitor, what spec you'd want to be top of the line?
3:01:58 Have you seen Chrysler Pacifica's plug-in hybrid minivan?
3:03:28 How does the LTT hat pro handle head sweat?
3:04:14 Non-tech public service jobs you'd do? ft. Side hustle, VEVOR
3:07:20 Comfortable LTT merch while flying? Quake Champions?
3:08:54 Tips for winning in Super Chexx? Dennis spots on FP?
3:12:18 Thoughts on YouTubers retiring & MatPat's impact?
3:15:46 Advices you wished you were told when you became a parent?
3:16:45 Why make cables when many cables already exist?
3:18:10 Which rig you had the most fun building at LTT?
3:21:05 Doing more real world reviews like u/Frashure11's backpack?
3:23:00 Tax write-off, hardest FP problem Luke solved? ft. Monitor
3:28:56 What do you consider important skills for PC enthusiasts?
3:30:14 Odd things you've seen wired up to a computer?
3:31:11 Managing screen time for kids? ft. Kids & parenting stories
3:46:10 How to manage performance anxiety when the stakes are high?
3:48:31 When will the water bottles be back in stock?
3:50:22 How's the SYNCRO Q7 case handling? SFS PC for home theater?
3:52:52 Failing to figure out how to end the show
3:55:15 Outro ft. "BYE" shirt

YouTube Video UEw4bUctUmtOMnVUdzdQaGxuQXI0cFpaejJRdWJJYnVqSC40RUZEQzk3MjlCNjM1MEQw

Keep Your Filthy Day Pass - WAN Show March 8, 2024

Linus Tech Tips views March 9, 2024 6:34 am

Thanks to MANSCAPED for sponsoring today's video. Get 20% Off + Free International Shipping with promo code WANSHOW or visit

Save 10% and Free Shipping at The Ridge by using offer code WAN at

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Podcast Download:

Timestamps (Courtesy of NoKi1119):
0:00 Chapters
1:20 Intro
1:46 Topic #1 - HDMI Forum rejects AMD's open source Linux driver proposal
5:59 Why do you think HDMI Forums made this decision?
11:51 Luke on voting with your wallet, discussing supporting them
14:34 Linus recalls Nivdia's BFGD, DVI & DP ft. Why did HDMI pop up?
17:36 Discussing ports, DRMs & piracy
24:10 Topic #2 - Omida's research reveals the cost of making Vision Pro
25:19 Luke reads the bill of material, Linus on QA & costs
30:34 Vision's price ft. Apple's stock, clothing revenue
35:43 Linus mentions trains around Canada
36:19 Temporary return of They're Just Movies
39:47 LTTStore's merino underwear ft. Luke instructs Linus about the hole
42:21 Cable management on sale next week, pre-production precision screwdrivers
43:37 Merch Messages #1 ft. Dan hitting Linus for April Fools
45:14 Are you more open to 60 FPS LTT videos? ft. Linus calls Andy
49:15 A theoretical DLSS4 that tricks games into thinking SLI is a single card
52:38 What tech could aid scammers? ft. Calls, deepfakes, Wi-Fi security
1:03:46 Demoing LTTStore magnetic cable management on a board
1:07:15 Metal & VHB plates, silicon grips ft. FP comment, intended usage
1:11:58 Cable management video idea, lengths, magnet strength
1:16:56 Topic #3 - Nintendo sues Yuzu, demands shutdown
1:18:04 Linus's argument, recalls Switch 2 hardware rumors
1:19:54 Luke on owning games yet playing on another device
1:20:56 Linus discusses the beauty pageant, LMG as a business
1:26:25 What if Nintendo wins this? ft. How Luke won against a kid
1:32:25 Topic #4 - Transparent prison laptop gets jail broken
1:34:18 Sponsor - Manscaped
1:35:23 Sponsor - The Ridge
1:36:25 Sponsor - Symbolic Software
1:37:12 Merch Messages #2 ft. Luke realizes the mobile app ad
1:38:05 Is going deep into legacy tech a boon for a company in need?
1:41:45 UnitedHealth cyberattack shuts down fifth of all payment
1:43:02 The right time for a LMG sales team? ft. Luke on living with Linus
1:49:27 Topic #5 - Klarna's AI bot replaces 700 employees
1:51:44 Topic #6 - Lenoveo pairs with iFixit to make repairable ThinkPads
1:52:50 Linus discusses the laptops, Luke's opinion on Framework
1:55:02 Linus forces himself to use Framework, Luke on using laptop only
1:57:48 iFixit's reputability, "laptops for all LMG," OF VODs on FP
2:04:59 Topic #7 - Adobe's Project Music GenAI
2:05:14 Google Genie, AI game generator
2:05:55 Emote Portrait Alive, creates portrait videos from an image
2:08:17 Topic #8 - HP launches scalable subscription, 7 pages a month
2:10:38 Linus questions the "Envy" naming, recommended printer
2:16:18 Merch Messages #3
2:16:22 People who play Pokemon GO on multiple phones as cheaters?
2:24:10 Linus looks at his Facebook Marketplace
2:25:48 Looking up used HP printers
2:27:17 Merch Messages #4 ft. WAN Show After Dark, "aging brands"
2:28:06 Has Labs experienced subscriptions? ft. Funny Brother article
2:31:36 Shelf life expectancy of the PTM7950?
2:33:22 Thoughts on White House urging devs to use "memory safe" languages?
2:34:42 How has Linus's radiant heating been? ft. Luke on heating
2:36:24 LMG's plan to sell the "best" cables you tested?
2:37:09 Thoughts on Google Assistant's unavailability on Samsung TVs?
2:37:58 How long does it take to make a LTTStore clothing item?
2:40:29 Software or hardware that was long forgotten you want to return?
2:41:15 Thoughts on companies software having leap year bugs?
2:41:59 Thoughts on Jensen saying "don't learn coding" because of AI?
2:44:25 Tips for traveling for work & living in a hotel? ft. 2015 WAN
2:48:35 What is Linus most excited to look forward to when visiting Japan?
2:49:26 Should I get PCs for kids, or use virtual machines?
2:50:58 Does Luke think LMG can stay relevant? ft. Video critiques
3:01:09 Fairphone responded to Linus's review by "Linusing it up
3:02:02 Why is it not common to have USB passthrough?
3:03:30 Khaki work pants update? ft. Reasons behind cancellation
3:08:18 Native Floatplane app for the Apple Vision Pro?
3:08:42 Next career path for phone repair? ft. Linus gives Dan the Z Fold
3:10:53 Outro ft. TJM coming over soon

Thanks to MANSCAPED for sponsoring today's video. Get 20% Off + Free International Shipping with promo code WANSHOW or visit

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Check out the strategy game, Runes of Ardun at:

Podcast Download:

Timestamps (Courtesy of NoKi1119):
0:00 Chapters
1:20 Intro
1:46 Topic #1 - HDMI Forum rejects AMD's open source Linux driver proposal
5:59 Why do you think HDMI Forums made this decision?
11:51 Luke on voting with your wallet, discussing supporting them
14:34 Linus recalls Nivdia's BFGD, DVI & DP ft. Why did HDMI pop up?
17:36 Discussing ports, DRMs & piracy
24:10 Topic #2 - Omida's research reveals the cost of making Vision Pro
25:19 Luke reads the bill of material, Linus on QA & costs
30:34 Vision's price ft. Apple's stock, clothing revenue
35:43 Linus mentions trains around Canada
36:19 Temporary return of They're Just Movies
39:47 LTTStore's merino underwear ft. Luke instructs Linus about the hole
42:21 Cable management on sale next week, pre-production precision screwdrivers
43:37 Merch Messages #1 ft. Dan hitting Linus for April Fools
45:14 Are you more open to 60 FPS LTT videos? ft. Linus calls Andy
49:15 A theoretical DLSS4 that tricks games into thinking SLI is a single card
52:38 What tech could aid scammers? ft. Calls, deepfakes, Wi-Fi security
1:03:46 Demoing LTTStore magnetic cable management on a board
1:07:15 Metal & VHB plates, silicon grips ft. FP comment, intended usage
1:11:58 Cable management video idea, lengths, magnet strength
1:16:56 Topic #3 - Nintendo sues Yuzu, demands shutdown
1:18:04 Linus's argument, recalls Switch 2 hardware rumors
1:19:54 Luke on owning games yet playing on another device
1:20:56 Linus discusses the beauty pageant, LMG as a business
1:26:25 What if Nintendo wins this? ft. How Luke won against a kid
1:32:25 Topic #4 - Transparent prison laptop gets jail broken
1:34:18 Sponsor - Manscaped
1:35:23 Sponsor - The Ridge
1:36:25 Sponsor - Symbolic Software
1:37:12 Merch Messages #2 ft. Luke realizes the mobile app ad
1:38:05 Is going deep into legacy tech a boon for a company in need?
1:41:45 UnitedHealth cyberattack shuts down fifth of all payment
1:43:02 The right time for a LMG sales team? ft. Luke on living with Linus
1:49:27 Topic #5 - Klarna's AI bot replaces 700 employees
1:51:44 Topic #6 - Lenoveo pairs with iFixit to make repairable ThinkPads
1:52:50 Linus discusses the laptops, Luke's opinion on Framework
1:55:02 Linus forces himself to use Framework, Luke on using laptop only
1:57:48 iFixit's reputability, "laptops for all LMG," OF VODs on FP
2:04:59 Topic #7 - Adobe's Project Music GenAI
2:05:14 Google Genie, AI game generator
2:05:55 Emote Portrait Alive, creates portrait videos from an image
2:08:17 Topic #8 - HP launches scalable subscription, 7 pages a month
2:10:38 Linus questions the "Envy" naming, recommended printer
2:16:18 Merch Messages #3
2:16:22 People who play Pokemon GO on multiple phones as cheaters?
2:24:10 Linus looks at his Facebook Marketplace
2:25:48 Looking up used HP printers
2:27:17 Merch Messages #4 ft. WAN Show After Dark, "aging brands"
2:28:06 Has Labs experienced subscriptions? ft. Funny Brother article
2:31:36 Shelf life expectancy of the PTM7950?
2:33:22 Thoughts on White House urging devs to use "memory safe" languages?
2:34:42 How has Linus's radiant heating been? ft. Luke on heating
2:36:24 LMG's plan to sell the "best" cables you tested?
2:37:09 Thoughts on Google Assistant's unavailability on Samsung TVs?
2:37:58 How long does it take to make a LTTStore clothing item?
2:40:29 Software or hardware that was long forgotten you want to return?
2:41:15 Thoughts on companies software having leap year bugs?
2:41:59 Thoughts on Jensen saying "don't learn coding" because of AI?
2:44:25 Tips for traveling for work & living in a hotel? ft. 2015 WAN
2:48:35 What is Linus most excited to look forward to when visiting Japan?
2:49:26 Should I get PCs for kids, or use virtual machines?
2:50:58 Does Luke think LMG can stay relevant? ft. Video critiques
3:01:09 Fairphone responded to Linus's review by "Linusing it up
3:02:02 Why is it not common to have USB passthrough?
3:03:30 Khaki work pants update? ft. Reasons behind cancellation
3:08:18 Native Floatplane app for the Apple Vision Pro?
3:08:42 Next career path for phone repair? ft. Linus gives Dan the Z Fold
3:10:53 Outro ft. TJM coming over soon

YouTube Video UEw4bUctUmtOMnVUdzdQaGxuQXI0cFpaejJRdWJJYnVqSC43QzQ5MUVCMEQ2QzJERjI1

Linux Sucks... And We Know Who To Blame - WAN Show March 1, 2024

Linus Tech Tips views March 2, 2024 5:53 am

Start your day on the right foot with AG1 at

Save 15% with our offer code WANSHOW at

Save 10% and get Free Shipping at The Ridge by using offer code WAN at

Podcast Download:

Timestamps (Courtesy of NoKi1119):
0:00 Chapters
0:56 Intro
1:22 Topic #1 - Nvidia's market cap hits $2 Trillion USD
3:19 AI chip competition, Intel class naming game ft. Android names
27:19 Nvidia App, SDR to HDR now available, discussing movies
34:18 Topic #2 - Reddit signs AI licensing with Google, is going public
36:55 Luke on Reddit's images host, would he invest in Reddit?
41:33 Reddit's email to Linus, Luke recalls asking dad Luke to invest in Bungie
44:07 LTT backpack discount extended by three weeks
44:43 Backpack carabiner tool kit update, replace the pulls once only
47:01 Honeywell's PTM7950 thermal pads now available on LTTStore
50:27 Merch Messages #1
50:45 How does having birds limit Luke's life?
52:22 How much picture processing is a lot? ft. Luke bleeds, chaos ensues
1:03:24 Topic #3 - World's largest gaming display, a 2070" TV
1:05:28 Dan on playing MSFS on the TV, discussing VR & dissociation
1:10:18 LAN center update video, Luke's inside joke
1:12:52 What if binned CPUs for LTT labs failed? ft. PTM7950, Super Chexx
1:15:58 Topic #4 - Troy Hunt struggles with his Sonos setup
1:18:16 Sonos's app shows Wi-Fi toggle, Linus on internet connection
1:24:22 Linus's solution for Troy Hunt, but he already solved it
1:26:04 Sponsor - AG1 ft. WAN Show dies
1:28:20 Sponsor - Vessi
1:28:18 Sponsor - The Ridge
1:29:22 Topic #5 - Google apologizes for Gemini's biased image generation
1:38:29 USArmyEsports, recalling US Army branded merchandise LTT video
1:41:54 Merch Messages #2 ft. "I'll do fine" - Luke 2k24
1:42:10 Do you think the VR lifeguard app would've helped you & others?
1:45:26 Will small theaters survive tungsten bulb ban & expensive LEDs?
1:54:22 Topic #6 - PlayStation Portal hacked to run games natively
1:56:05 PlayStation VR2 to get PC support, would you switch to it?
1:58:11 Topic #7 - Helldiver 2's servers struggle
2:01:10 Topic #8 - Xbox to add thumbstick calibration tool
2:01:35 Are exclusives dead? ft. LTT games video
2:07:33 Crew dinner, Luke guesses the bill, banning plastic bags
2:14:23 "If plastic bags are illegal in Canada, how do you get milk?"
2:16:47 Topic #9 - Google to retire internet archiving, researchers unhappy
2:18:22 Topic #10 - Will Smith's spaghetti video parody
2:19:33 Luke recalls how AI can't keep time, compares to Smith's video
2:20:27 Topic #11 - Covering LinusTechTips forums leaked data
2:21:08 Topic #12 - M&M branded vending machines collect facial data
2:22:39 Luke's stupid idea demotes him, Dan is now the co-host
2:23:09 mathNEWS article, picture of extremely small camera
2:25:04 Merch Messages #3 ft. WAN Show After Dark
2:25:23 Is the PTM7950 safe for a vertical mount?
2:27:00 AI & AR headset as a tool for teaching kids? ft. "Moderation"
2:29:06 What's Linus's limit on display sizes? ft. "Moderation" part 2
2:32:13 What would you do to Terren Tong's office?
2:33:26 Would Linus daily the S24 Ultra? SoD? ft. R2R, CRT projector
2:40:44 Did you want to buy & sell PTM7950 since the video or afterwards?
2:42:16 What product testing do you do for LTTStore?
2:44:03 LTTStore fidget from screwdriver scraps update?
2:44:27 Outro ft. Linus blames Luke & himself

Start your day on the right foot with AG1 at

Save 15% with our offer code WANSHOW at

Save 10% and get Free Shipping at The Ridge by using offer code WAN at

Podcast Download:

Timestamps (Courtesy of NoKi1119):
0:00 Chapters
0:56 Intro
1:22 Topic #1 - Nvidia's market cap hits $2 Trillion USD
3:19 AI chip competition, Intel class naming game ft. Android names
27:19 Nvidia App, SDR to HDR now available, discussing movies
34:18 Topic #2 - Reddit signs AI licensing with Google, is going public
36:55 Luke on Reddit's images host, would he invest in Reddit?
41:33 Reddit's email to Linus, Luke recalls asking dad Luke to invest in Bungie
44:07 LTT backpack discount extended by three weeks
44:43 Backpack carabiner tool kit update, replace the pulls once only
47:01 Honeywell's PTM7950 thermal pads now available on LTTStore
50:27 Merch Messages #1
50:45 How does having birds limit Luke's life?
52:22 How much picture processing is a lot? ft. Luke bleeds, chaos ensues
1:03:24 Topic #3 - World's largest gaming display, a 2070" TV
1:05:28 Dan on playing MSFS on the TV, discussing VR & dissociation
1:10:18 LAN center update video, Luke's inside joke
1:12:52 What if binned CPUs for LTT labs failed? ft. PTM7950, Super Chexx
1:15:58 Topic #4 - Troy Hunt struggles with his Sonos setup
1:18:16 Sonos's app shows Wi-Fi toggle, Linus on internet connection
1:24:22 Linus's solution for Troy Hunt, but he already solved it
1:26:04 Sponsor - AG1 ft. WAN Show dies
1:28:20 Sponsor - Vessi
1:28:18 Sponsor - The Ridge
1:29:22 Topic #5 - Google apologizes for Gemini's biased image generation
1:38:29 USArmyEsports, recalling US Army branded merchandise LTT video
1:41:54 Merch Messages #2 ft. "I'll do fine" - Luke 2k24
1:42:10 Do you think the VR lifeguard app would've helped you & others?
1:45:26 Will small theaters survive tungsten bulb ban & expensive LEDs?
1:54:22 Topic #6 - PlayStation Portal hacked to run games natively
1:56:05 PlayStation VR2 to get PC support, would you switch to it?
1:58:11 Topic #7 - Helldiver 2's servers struggle
2:01:10 Topic #8 - Xbox to add thumbstick calibration tool
2:01:35 Are exclusives dead? ft. LTT games video
2:07:33 Crew dinner, Luke guesses the bill, banning plastic bags
2:14:23 "If plastic bags are illegal in Canada, how do you get milk?"
2:16:47 Topic #9 - Google to retire internet archiving, researchers unhappy
2:18:22 Topic #10 - Will Smith's spaghetti video parody
2:19:33 Luke recalls how AI can't keep time, compares to Smith's video
2:20:27 Topic #11 - Covering LinusTechTips forums leaked data
2:21:08 Topic #12 - M&M branded vending machines collect facial data
2:22:39 Luke's stupid idea demotes him, Dan is now the co-host
2:23:09 mathNEWS article, picture of extremely small camera
2:25:04 Merch Messages #3 ft. WAN Show After Dark
2:25:23 Is the PTM7950 safe for a vertical mount?
2:27:00 AI & AR headset as a tool for teaching kids? ft. "Moderation"
2:29:06 What's Linus's limit on display sizes? ft. "Moderation" part 2
2:32:13 What would you do to Terren Tong's office?
2:33:26 Would Linus daily the S24 Ultra? SoD? ft. R2R, CRT projector
2:40:44 Did you want to buy & sell PTM7950 since the video or afterwards?
2:42:16 What product testing do you do for LTTStore?
2:44:03 LTTStore fidget from screwdriver scraps update?
2:44:27 Outro ft. Linus blames Luke & himself

YouTube Video UEw4bUctUmtOMnVUdzdQaGxuQXI0cFpaejJRdWJJYnVqSC40RkUyNUI1OEJBMTY5Nzg5

NVIDIA is Worth More Than Canada - WAN Show February 23, 2024

Linus Tech Tips views February 24, 2024 5:42 am


Sara Dietschy

New docuseries where I take you BTS on the podcast!
Elle Mills talks about marrying her sister's boyfriend, her coming out video, who inspires her, making videos with her mom and brother and what the future holds! Oh and she just won a shorty award!!

"JOIN" on for the exclusive video version of the podcast.
Apple Podcasts:

Live Shows:


Panasonic GH5s:
Distributed via Simplecast:

Elle Mills is my hero. She is changing the game when it comes to YouTube. Her videos are a beautiful blend of skits and reality. Some of my favorite videos of her - "I threw her a surprise funeral", "Coming out (elle mills style)" and "Slumber party with my brother and all his exes". Her Mom and brother are often in the middle of her shenanigans and it's hilarious. She's going to be a super famous actor and director one day so enjoy her on youtube while you can!

Welcome to That Creative Life, hosted by YouTuber & creative entrepreneur Sara Dietschy.  On this podcast you will find candid conversations with the best artists and business professionals in the world. More information and content from the podcast can be found on Sara Dietschy's YouTube channel, Twitter & Instagram (@SaraDietschy)

πŸ’Ό  Business Inquires  
& Management:

New docuseries where I take you BTS on the podcast!
Elle Mills talks about marrying her sister's boyfriend, her coming out video, who inspires her, making videos with her mom and brother and what the future holds! Oh and she just won a shorty award!!

"JOIN" on for the exclusive video version of the podcast.
Apple Podcasts:

Live Shows:


Panasonic GH5s:
Distributed via Simplecast:

Elle Mills is my hero. She is changing the game when it comes to YouTube. Her videos are a beautiful blend of skits and reality. Some of my favorite videos of her - "I threw her a surprise funeral", "Coming out (elle mills style)" and "Slumber party with my brother and all his exes". Her Mom and brother are often in the middle of her shenanigans and it's hilarious. She's going to be a super famous actor and director one day so enjoy her on youtube while you can!

Welcome to That Creative Life, hosted by YouTuber & creative entrepreneur Sara Dietschy. On this podcast you will find candid conversations with the best artists and business professionals in the world. More information and content from the podcast can be found on Sara Dietschy's YouTube channel, Twitter & Instagram (@SaraDietschy)

πŸ’Ό Business Inquires
& Management:

451 50


Elle Mills - Her Crazy Viral Videos & How She Got Her Start on YouTube (#13)

Sara Dietschy 16.8K views April 30, 2018 2:30 pm

Apple Podcast -
Spotify -
Crushing It! Book -

Crushing It Book:


"JOIN" on for the exclusive video version of the podcast.
Apple Podcasts:

Panasonic GH5s:
Sony rx100 (wide angle):
Distributed via Simplecast:

Gary Vaynerchuk is CEO of the $150  million digital agency servicing Fortune 500 companies. He is a venture capitalist, 4-time New York Times bestselling author, and an early investor in companies such as Twitter, Tumblr, Venmo and Uber.  Gary is currently the subject of DailyVee, an online documentary series highlighting what it’s like to be a CEO and public figure in today’s digital world. He is also the host of #AskGaryVee, a business and advice Q&A show online.

I was featured in Gary's #AskGaryVee show 2 years ago after making a viral YouTube video. There, I met my now good friend India and she joined us for the show! πŸ™‚ 

What we talk about: John Mayer quote on the back of Crushing It, meetings with hip hop artists & legacy, how to delegate as a creative and 1 on 1 basketball game with garyvee??

Apple Podcast -
Spotify -
Crushing It! Book -

Crushing It Book:


"JOIN" on for the exclusive video version of the podcast.
Apple Podcasts:

Panasonic GH5s:
Sony rx100 (wide angle):
Distributed via Simplecast:

Gary Vaynerchuk is CEO of the $150 million digital agency servicing Fortune 500 companies. He is a venture capitalist, 4-time New York Times bestselling author, and an early investor in companies such as Twitter, Tumblr, Venmo and Uber. Gary is currently the subject of DailyVee, an online documentary series highlighting what it’s like to be a CEO and public figure in today’s digital world. He is also the host of #AskGaryVee, a business and advice Q&A show online.

I was featured in Gary's #AskGaryVee show 2 years ago after making a viral YouTube video. There, I met my now good friend India and she joined us for the show! πŸ™‚

What we talk about: John Mayer quote on the back of Crushing It, meetings with hip hop artists & legacy, how to delegate as a creative and 1 on 1 basketball game with garyvee??

3.6K 674


Gary Vaynerchuk - Master Delegation as an Artist & Voice Marketing (#1)

Sara Dietschy 90.2K views January 31, 2018 6:33 pm

It's Akilah, Obviously! How she got her start on YouTube, what to watch on Netflix, political correctness and how to write & produce shows! YouTube -
πŸ”ˆ Listen to That Creative Life -

"JOIN" on for the exclusive video version of the podcast.
Apple Podcasts:

Snap: kiwirabbitfru


Panasonic GH5s:
Sony rx100 (wide angle):
Distributed via Simplecast:

Akilah Hughes is a UCB trained comedian, writer, and YouTuber. Formerly at MTV, and Fusion-- and a writer everywhere -- you can almost always find her waxing poetic about memes and using too many emojis. 

Welcome to That Creative Life, hosted by YouTuber & creative entrepreneur Sara Dietschy.  On this podcast you will find candid conversations with the best artists and business professionals in the world. More information and content from the podcast can be found on Sara Dietschy's YouTube channel, Twitter & Instagram (@SaraDietschy)

πŸ’Ό  Business Inquires  
& Management:

It's Akilah, Obviously! How she got her start on YouTube, what to watch on Netflix, political correctness and how to write & produce shows! YouTube -
πŸ”ˆ Listen to That Creative Life -

"JOIN" on for the exclusive video version of the podcast.
Apple Podcasts:

Snap: kiwirabbitfru


Panasonic GH5s:
Sony rx100 (wide angle):
Distributed via Simplecast:

Akilah Hughes is a UCB trained comedian, writer, and YouTuber. Formerly at MTV, and Fusion-- and a writer everywhere -- you can almost always find her waxing poetic about memes and using too many emojis.

Welcome to That Creative Life, hosted by YouTuber & creative entrepreneur Sara Dietschy. On this podcast you will find candid conversations with the best artists and business professionals in the world. More information and content from the podcast can be found on Sara Dietschy's YouTube channel, Twitter & Instagram (@SaraDietschy)

πŸ’Ό Business Inquires
& Management:

198 39


Akilah Hughes - Writing a Book & Diversifying Your Creative Outlets (#10)

Sara Dietschy 5.8K views April 2, 2018 6:03 pm

Listen to That Creative Life - 
Chris Hau is a photographer and youtuber from Ontario, Canada. We talk about traditional vs. new media and what the agency world can do to turn things around.

"JOIN" on for the exclusive video version of the podcast.
Apple Podcasts:



Panasonic GH5s:
Distributed via Simplecast:

Chris Hau is a 26-year-old photographer and video creator from Ontario, Canada. He has over 200k followers with his youtube channel and instagram combined. We talk about traditional vs. new media and what the agency world can do to turn things around. A love of music is something we both share - Did you know Chris can rap?? And him and his very talented girlfriend Lizzie are writing an album!?

Welcome to That Creative Life, hosted by YouTuber & creative entrepreneur Sara Dietschy.  On this podcast you will find candid conversations with the best artists and business professionals in the world. More information and content from the podcast can be found on Sara Dietschy's YouTube channel, Twitter & Instagram (@SaraDietschy)

πŸ’Ό  Business Inquires  
& Management:

Listen to That Creative Life -
Chris Hau is a photographer and youtuber from Ontario, Canada. We talk about traditional vs. new media and what the agency world can do to turn things around.

"JOIN" on for the exclusive video version of the podcast.
Apple Podcasts:



Panasonic GH5s:
Distributed via Simplecast:

Chris Hau is a 26-year-old photographer and video creator from Ontario, Canada. He has over 200k followers with his youtube channel and instagram combined. We talk about traditional vs. new media and what the agency world can do to turn things around. A love of music is something we both share - Did you know Chris can rap?? And him and his very talented girlfriend Lizzie are writing an album!?

Welcome to That Creative Life, hosted by YouTuber & creative entrepreneur Sara Dietschy. On this podcast you will find candid conversations with the best artists and business professionals in the world. More information and content from the podcast can be found on Sara Dietschy's YouTube channel, Twitter & Instagram (@SaraDietschy)

πŸ’Ό Business Inquires
& Management:

412 56


Chris Hau - Running an Agency & Being a YouTuber, Traditional Media and CRAZY Stories (#15)

Sara Dietschy 11K views May 15, 2018 4:53 pm

Timmy aka SLOTH paints murals, shoes and anything and everything in between. He has his own clothing brand inspired from street art and adventure with the hopes of spreading positive vibes. (

"JOIN" on for the exclusive video version of the podcast.
Apple Podcasts:



Panasonic GH5s:
Distributed via Simplecast:

I met Timmy when I lived in Nashville and I did one of my first youtube collaborations! He spray painted a chair that is the first thing that you see when you walk into my apartment. I extremely admire the creative community he has built in Phoenix, Arizona. Cheers to many more collabs Timmy - keep crushing!!!

Welcome to The Creative Exchange, hosted by YouTuber & creative entrepreneur Sara Dietschy.  On this podcast you will find candid conversations with the best artists and business professionals in the world. More information and content from the podcast can be found on Sara Dietschy's YouTube channel, Twitter & Instagram (@SaraDietschy)

πŸ’Ό  Business Inquires  
& Management:

Timmy aka SLOTH paints murals, shoes and anything and everything in between. He has his own clothing brand inspired from street art and adventure with the hopes of spreading positive vibes. (

"JOIN" on for the exclusive video version of the podcast.
Apple Podcasts:



Panasonic GH5s:
Distributed via Simplecast:

I met Timmy when I lived in Nashville and I did one of my first youtube collaborations! He spray painted a chair that is the first thing that you see when you walk into my apartment. I extremely admire the creative community he has built in Phoenix, Arizona. Cheers to many more collabs Timmy - keep crushing!!!

Welcome to The Creative Exchange, hosted by YouTuber & creative entrepreneur Sara Dietschy. On this podcast you will find candid conversations with the best artists and business professionals in the world. More information and content from the podcast can be found on Sara Dietschy's YouTube channel, Twitter & Instagram (@SaraDietschy)

πŸ’Ό Business Inquires
& Management:

226 23


Timmy Ham - Illustrator & Designer | How to Make a Clothing Line & Build a Creative Community (#11)

Sara Dietschy 6.2K views April 16, 2018 2:16 pm

Listen here -
Tyler Stalman's YouTube channel is about cameras, photography and technology. Recently his videos have been recommended to me like crazy! Him and his wife do beautiful fashion and travel content on her instagram @aniab. Enjoy this conversation about being an instagram husband, our all time favorite movies and the future of podcasting!

"JOIN" on for the exclusive video version of the podcast.
Apple Podcasts:



Panasonic GH5s:
Distributed via Simplecast:

Welcome to That Creative Life, hosted by YouTuber & creative entrepreneur Sara Dietschy.  On this podcast you will find candid conversations with the best artists and business professionals in the world. More information and content from the podcast can be found on Sara Dietschy's YouTube channel, Twitter & Instagram (@SaraDietschy)

πŸ’Ό  Business Inquires  
& Management:

Listen here -
Tyler Stalman's YouTube channel is about cameras, photography and technology. Recently his videos have been recommended to me like crazy! Him and his wife do beautiful fashion and travel content on her instagram @aniab. Enjoy this conversation about being an instagram husband, our all time favorite movies and the future of podcasting!

"JOIN" on for the exclusive video version of the podcast.
Apple Podcasts:



Panasonic GH5s:
Distributed via Simplecast:

Welcome to That Creative Life, hosted by YouTuber & creative entrepreneur Sara Dietschy. On this podcast you will find candid conversations with the best artists and business professionals in the world. More information and content from the podcast can be found on Sara Dietschy's YouTube channel, Twitter & Instagram (@SaraDietschy)

πŸ’Ό Business Inquires
& Management:

186 24


Tyler Stalman - Instagram Husband Turned YouTuber (#14)

Sara Dietschy 6K views May 9, 2018 12:10 am

Monica Church is a YouTuber with a beauty/fashion, vlogging and gymnastics channel. She's amazing. Enjoy πŸ™πŸ»
Check out Monica! - 

"JOIN" on for the exclusive video version of the podcast.
Apple Podcasts:

Millennial Life Crisis:
Flippin Out:


Panasonic GH5s:
Sony rx100 (wide angle):
Distributed via Simplecast:

Monica Church is a YouTuber based in Los Angeles and Seattle. She started her first channel - Hairodynamic - when she was only 13. It features clothing hauls, tutorials, lookbooks and back to school DIY videos and has over 1 million subscribers. Millennial Life Crisis is her vlogging channel where she applies for a full-time job and moves cities after creating a successful YouTube channel and dropping out of college. Monica is a powerful story teller and created a reality gymnastics YouTube show called "Flippin Out". We dive into the frustrations of being a "YouTuber", the importance of film school and vlogging while in a romantic relationship.

Welcome to The Creative Exchange, hosted by YouTuber & creative entrepreneur Sara Dietschy.  On this podcast you will find candid conversations with the best artists and business professionals in the world. More information and content from the podcast can be found on Sara Dietschy's YouTube channel, Twitter & Instagram (@SaraDietschy)

πŸ’Ό  Business Inquires  
& Management:

Monica Church is a YouTuber with a beauty/fashion, vlogging and gymnastics channel. She's amazing. Enjoy πŸ™πŸ»
Check out Monica! -

"JOIN" on for the exclusive video version of the podcast.
Apple Podcasts:

Millennial Life Crisis:
Flippin Out:


Panasonic GH5s:
Sony rx100 (wide angle):
Distributed via Simplecast:

Monica Church is a YouTuber based in Los Angeles and Seattle. She started her first channel - Hairodynamic - when she was only 13. It features clothing hauls, tutorials, lookbooks and back to school DIY videos and has over 1 million subscribers. Millennial Life Crisis is her vlogging channel where she applies for a full-time job and moves cities after creating a successful YouTube channel and dropping out of college. Monica is a powerful story teller and created a reality gymnastics YouTube show called "Flippin Out". We dive into the frustrations of being a "YouTuber", the importance of film school and vlogging while in a romantic relationship.

Welcome to The Creative Exchange, hosted by YouTuber & creative entrepreneur Sara Dietschy. On this podcast you will find candid conversations with the best artists and business professionals in the world. More information and content from the podcast can be found on Sara Dietschy's YouTube channel, Twitter & Instagram (@SaraDietschy)

πŸ’Ό Business Inquires
& Management:

1.3K 125


Monica Church - Quitting YouTube for a Full-Time Job, Film School & Dating (#5)

Sara Dietschy 54.9K views March 5, 2018 7:53 pm

A Valentine's Day special! Where John & I (Sara Dietschy) sit down and talk about previous jobs, growing up in the South & being in a relationship with another youtuber! ✨"SHOW MORE" for links✨

"JOIN" on for the exclusive video version of the podcast.
Apple Podcasts:



Panasonic GH5s:
Sony rx100 (wide angle):
Distributed via Simplecast:

John Hill is a pro skater for Revive Skateboards and a Youtuber with over 500K subscribers. He vlogs every day - sharing his life in NYC and his shenanigans with the fellow YouTube skate community in Cincinnati, Ohio and Los Angeles, California. Learn about his journey from making baby onesies on Etsy to creating his own clothing company - Progress Daily.  He is also my boyfriend... so enjoy this somewhat of a Valentine's Day special where we talk about our relationship a lot! (HA)

What we talk about: baby onesie business, growing up in south carolina asian, having confidence, our first date, the second time we ever hung out (with Matt King), our first phone call where john asked me to go to Paris with him and much more!!! Enjoy πŸ™πŸ»

Welcome to That Creative LIfe, hosted by YouTuber & creative entrepreneur Sara Dietschy.  On this podcast you will find candid conversations with the best artists and business professionals in the world. More information and content from the podcast can be found on Sara Dietschy's YouTube channel, Twitter & Instagram (@SaraDietschy)

πŸ’Ό  Business Inquires  
& Management:

thumbnail by

A Valentine's Day special! Where John & I (Sara Dietschy) sit down and talk about previous jobs, growing up in the South & being in a relationship with another youtuber! ✨"SHOW MORE" for links✨

"JOIN" on for the exclusive video version of the podcast.
Apple Podcasts:



Panasonic GH5s:
Sony rx100 (wide angle):
Distributed via Simplecast:

John Hill is a pro skater for Revive Skateboards and a Youtuber with over 500K subscribers. He vlogs every day - sharing his life in NYC and his shenanigans with the fellow YouTube skate community in Cincinnati, Ohio and Los Angeles, California. Learn about his journey from making baby onesies on Etsy to creating his own clothing company - Progress Daily. He is also my boyfriend... so enjoy this somewhat of a Valentine's Day special where we talk about our relationship a lot! (HA)

What we talk about: baby onesie business, growing up in south carolina asian, having confidence, our first date, the second time we ever hung out (with Matt King), our first phone call where john asked me to go to Paris with him and much more!!! Enjoy πŸ™πŸ»

Welcome to That Creative LIfe, hosted by YouTuber & creative entrepreneur Sara Dietschy. On this podcast you will find candid conversations with the best artists and business professionals in the world. More information and content from the podcast can be found on Sara Dietschy's YouTube channel, Twitter & Instagram (@SaraDietschy)

πŸ’Ό Business Inquires
& Management:

thumbnail by

1.1K 137


John Hill - Pro Skateboarder | Being in a Relationship with another YouTuber (#3)

Sara Dietschy 30.4K views February 15, 2018 12:51 am

Founder of Thousand - a bicycle lifestyle brand that started after raising $230,000 on Kickstarter.
Listen on Apple Podcast -

"JOIN" on for the exclusive video version of the podcast.
Apple Podcasts:

Gary Vaynerchuk -
Monica Church -
John Hill -

Creative Spaces TV Ep -


Panasonic GH5s:
Sony rx100 (wide angle):
Distributed via Simplecast:

Gloria Hwang is the founder of Thousand and they make really cool bicycle helmets. I first met Gloria when filming for a Creative Spaces TV episode ( two years ago. She is my favorite and we had a really fun conversation. In this episode you will find out about cyclist culture in cities like NYC/LA, the value of a retail space for businesses, being a Texan living in a coastal city and what it's like having immigrant parents. 

Welcome to That Creative Life, hosted by YouTuber & creative entrepreneur Sara Dietschy.  On this podcast you will find candid conversations with the best artists and business professionals in the world. More information and content from the podcast can be found on Sara Dietschy's YouTube channel, Twitter & Instagram (@SaraDietschy)

πŸ’Ό  Business Inquires  
& Management:

Founder of Thousand - a bicycle lifestyle brand that started after raising $230,000 on Kickstarter.
Listen on Apple Podcast -

"JOIN" on for the exclusive video version of the podcast.
Apple Podcasts:

Gary Vaynerchuk -
Monica Church -
John Hill -

Creative Spaces TV Ep -


Panasonic GH5s:
Sony rx100 (wide angle):
Distributed via Simplecast:

Gloria Hwang is the founder of Thousand and they make really cool bicycle helmets. I first met Gloria when filming for a Creative Spaces TV episode ( two years ago. She is my favorite and we had a really fun conversation. In this episode you will find out about cyclist culture in cities like NYC/LA, the value of a retail space for businesses, being a Texan living in a coastal city and what it's like having immigrant parents.

Welcome to That Creative Life, hosted by YouTuber & creative entrepreneur Sara Dietschy. On this podcast you will find candid conversations with the best artists and business professionals in the world. More information and content from the podcast can be found on Sara Dietschy's YouTube channel, Twitter & Instagram (@SaraDietschy)

πŸ’Ό Business Inquires
& Management:

244 33


Gloria Hwang - Cool Bike Helmets You Actually WANT to Wear (#7)

Sara Dietschy 8.5K views March 19, 2018 12:00 pm